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CN 4 3- 1258/ T P 2006 28 7 ISSN 1007- 130X COM P U T ER EN GIN EERIN G SCIEN CE Vo l1 28, N o1 7, 2006 : 1007- 130X ( 2006 07- 0077- 0 3 * Bezier A Segmentation Method for Modifying the Bezier Curve 1, 2 2 2 , , 1, 2 2 2 HAN L-i na , ZHANG Hong-xiang , ZHANG Qun-hui ( 1. , 710063; 2. , 710054) ( 1. Info mation Netwo k Cente , No thwest Unive sity of Political Science and Law, Xi. an 710063; 2. Depa tment of Compute Science and Technology, Xi. an Unive sty of Science and Technology, Xi. an 710054, China) : 在图形图像处理过程中, Bezier 曲线的应用是非常广的通过增加控制点对Bezier 曲线作修改, 为了不改 原有曲线的形状,/ 升阶0 是最常用的方法本文从另一角度出发, 提出把 Bezier 曲线先分割为两段曲线, 无需对曲线进行 / 升阶0 , 只需重新计算控制点, 从而也达到对曲线修改的目的, 并且以三次 Bezier 曲线为例, 给出了具体的求解过程实践 证明, 这种方法是可行的 Abst act:In dealing w ith g raphics o r imag es, the Bezier curv e w as w idely u sed. T hroug h adding co ntr ol po int s to mo di- fy the Bizier cur ve w ithout chang ing the pr imar y curv e shape, the commo n w ay o f / adding a number o f contro l points0 is pr esented. T his paper puts fo rw a rd the idea that the Bezier curve is div ided into tw o segments, t hen the co nt rol points are calculated ag ain w ithout / adding a number of co ntro l po ints0 , in addit ion to taking the three deg ree of the Bezier curv e ex am- ple. Pr actice sho w s that the met ho d is f easible. : Bezier 曲线; 对称性; 几何不 性; 控制点 Key wo ds: Bezier curve; symmetr y; g eometr ic f ix ity ; contr ol po int : T P39 1. 41


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