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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设计)
学生姓名 胡克
学 号 120107100112
指导教师 唐兆希
所在学院 经济学院
专业名称 经济学
班 级 12经济(1)
论文作者签名: 年 月 日
论文作者签名: 年 月 日
Analysis and Countermeasures on the implementation of the clean development mechanism in Gansu Province
Abstract: As one of the Kyoto Protocol in the most important international economic and trading mechanism, the clean development mechanism (CDM) can ensure the developed countries emission reduction obligations of compliance, but also can promote the technological progress and the economic development of the developing countries, and can effectively reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation of climate deterioration of the environment, promote the sustainable development of important measures. Through of Gansu Province, the clean development mechanism project transaction market research, analysis of the characteristics and causes of the CDM of Gansu Province in recent years in the transaction types and distribution, regional distribution, changing tendency of partners structure and transaction project etc., of the Gansu Province CDM carbon emission rights trading in the face of market prices high, CERs delivered high risks and obstacles to technology transfer, market performance regional faults as well as the main problems and Countermeasures to improve the put forward.
Key words: CDM; Carbon emission right; energy conservation and emission reduction; mar
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