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Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2012, 2, 134-140
doi:10.4236/ap.2012.23022 Published Online July 2012 (/journal/ap)
The Process Mechanism of Anger
——From Valence to Motivation
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Xiujuan Jing , Yifeng Wang , Rongyan Wang , Hong Li
1School of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing
2 School of Life Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu
3Research Center of Psychological Development and Education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian
Email: lihong@
Received: May 4th, 2012; revised: May 18th, 2012; accepted: May 28th, 2012
Abstract: Anger is a kind of emotion caused by provocative stimuli. According to the valence hypothesis and
the motivation hypothesis, anger is a negative emotion prone to approach motivation. Recent behavioral and
neuroimaging studies, however, challenged these hypotheses. Some researchers explained these new findings
in opinions of anger expression or anger specificity. These opinions were efficient but limited. A contextually
dependent view of motivation model might be adopted to better understand the mechanism of anger both in
general situation and in special situation. It regarded anger as the reaction to provocative stimuli, which was
induced by real situation or experience and was in conformity with motivation and behavior.
Keywords: Anger; Valence; Motivation; Lateralization; Situation
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