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中国医学影像技术 20 10 年第 26 卷第 2 期 Chin J Med Imaging Technol ,20 10 ,Vol 26 ,No 2 ·265 ·
Multisl ice CT perf usion imaging eval uation of thyroid diseases
YI N X i ul i ng , QI U S hij un , Z H A O Yang , C H E N Yu
( )
I m ag i ng Center , N anf ang H osp i t al , S out he rn M e d ical Uni ve rs i ty , Guang z hou 5 105 15 , Chi na
[ Abstract] Objective To explore t he clinical value of multislice C T enhancement p erfu sion imaging (M SC TP I) in diagno
si s and differential diagno si s of t hyroid di sease . Methods Thirt yt hree p atient s wit h benign t hyroid di sea ses were enrolled in
t he benign group , and were divided into subgroup s of no dular goit er ( n = 17) and t hyroid adenoma ( n = 16) , while 10 p a
tient s wit h t hyroid carcinoma were enrolled in t he malignant group . All p atient s underwent routine C T scanning and M SC T
P I wit h GE L ight Sp eed 16det ector row C T scanner . Timeden sit y curve ( TDC) of common carotid for benign t hyroid di sea
ses and t hyroid carcinoma was depict ed . Perfu sion p aramet er s of bloo d flow (B F) , blood volume (BV) , mean t ran sit time
(M T T) and p ermeabilit y surface area p ro duct ( P S) were obt ained automatically . All p aramet er s were st ati stically analyzed
among group s. Results TDC showed single p eak in common carotid art ery , wit h small p eak of sp eed up and slow down in
benign group , while wit h ba seline segment , up above , down
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