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2008 7 南京人口管理干部学院学报 Jul. , 2008 24 3 Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programm eM anagem ent Vol. 24 No. 3 ( , 266 09) [ ]利用青岛市城阳区 995- 2004年的序列资料对经济发展过程中资源消耗和污染物输出 人口增长 的关系进行了定量分析, 结果表明, 人口数量的增长会导致资源需求量加大, 同时也会带来诸如生活垃圾等物质 输出规模的增长, 但对水体污染物和耗散性污染物排放的影响相对较小, 因此, 控制人口数量对于实现区域物质 代谢减量化仍具有十分重要的意义 [ ]资源环境; 物质代谢; 人口增长; 相关性; 青岛市城阳区 [ ] C922; X24 [ ] A [] 007- 032X( 2008) 03- 0027- 03 Abs tract: The paper quantitatively analyzes the relationsh ip among resources consumption, contam ination output and popualtion grow th in the econom ic development by using data from 995 to 2004 of Chengyang D istrict, Q ingdao. The results show that population grow th doesnt only bring about increase of resources requ irement, but also increase ofmaterial output such as municipal solidw aste. How ever, population growth is ofw eak effect on em issions to w ater and dissipative pollution. So controlling popu lation is of crucial effect on decrease of regional materialmetabolism. K ey W ords: Resources; M aterialM etabolism; Popu laiton G rowth; Relationsh ip; Chengyang D istrut, Q ingdao 20, , , [ - 6] , , [ 7] , 995- 2004, 2 , 5~ 35km, , 553. 2km , 78km, 8, 230 995- 2004, 4 . 3 46. 4 , 2. 3% ( ) 0, , GDP 22. 8% , 2004 249. 5 , 995- 2004, [ 8] [ 9- 0] , !( 995- 2004) , [ ] 2008- 02- 3; [] 2008- 03- 22 [] 02); ( 630707) []( 978- ), , , , , :


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