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, Jou rn a of A nhu iA gr.i Sci. 2011, 39( 25) : 1554 1- 15543 徐宁 卢瑶
张光英 ( , 352100)
秉持着文化是自然环境和特定社会条件下的产物的理念, 在畲族群落文化 聚居地地理空间的响应以及地理空间 畲族群落文
化影响的研究相 缺乏的基础上, 以闽东畲族群落文化为研究 象, 分析了畲族的分布情况, 参考了闽东畲族的相关研究文献, 通过
畲族群落特色文化和地缘背景的分析, 认为闽东畲族群落文化特色主要在于团结互助的群落文化彪悍实用的体育文化渊源流传的畲
医畲药文化极具山地特色的饮食文化以及畲族建筑文化, 进而从区域空间地理环境气候因素方面探讨并分析了畲族群落文化 地
理空间的响应, 并指明了地理空间 畲族群落文化的深远影响
畲族群落文化; 地理空间; 响应研究
F 592 A 0517 - 6611( 2011) 25- 15541- 03
Research on Community CulturalCharacteristic of SheNationality in East Fujian Province and ItsResponse to GeologicalSpace
ZH NG Guang-ying (M anagem ent an d E ng ineering D epartm ent, N ingde N orm a U n iversity, N ingde, Fujian 352100)
bstract W ith the concept that cu ture w as the product of certain na tura env ironm ent and soc ia condition, as there w ere ess researches on
the respon se of comm un ity cu ture of Sh e N ationa ity to sett em ent geo og ica sp ace and on inf uen ce of geo og ica sp ace on Sh e comm un ity cu-
ture, the study took comm un ity cu ture of Sh e N ation a ity in E ast Fujian as the research subject, and ana yzed d istribution o f She N ationa ity.
By tak ing re evant docum ents on Sh e N ationa ity o f E ast Fuj ian Prov in ce for referen ce, through ana ysis of ch aracteristic cu ture an d geop o it-i
ca background of She comm u n ity, it w as con sidered that characteristic cu ture ied in un ited and fr iend y comm un ity cu ture, rough and pract-i
ca spo rts cu ture, anc ientm edicin e cu ture, food cu ture o f m ountainou s feature and arch itectura cu ture. Furtherm ore, it an a y zed th e re-
spon se of Sh e comm un ity cu ture to geo og ica space from the p erspectives o f reg iona space, geo og ica env ironm ent and c mi ate; and po inted
out the far-reach ing inf uence o f geo og ica space on She comm un ity cu ture.
Keywords Comm un ity cu ture o f Sh e N ation a ity; Geo og ica space; Respon se