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(2011年江苏,30)—You look upset.What’s the matter? —I had my proposal________again. A.turned over      B.turned on C.turned off D.turned down 【提示】 upset 【解析】 句意:——你看上去不高兴,怎么了?——我的建议又被拒绝了。 本题考查动词短语辨析。此人不高兴是因为建议再次遭到拒绝,turn down “拒绝”,故选择D项。turn over “颠倒,倾覆”;turn on “打开”;turn off “关掉”。 【答案】 D 3.set up设立;建立 [教材P39原句]1952 set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg, later this year,law office closed by government because he attacked anti-black laws. 1952年设立律师事务所,为约翰内斯堡的穷苦黑人提供帮助,后来在这一年, 律师事务所被政府关闭,因为他攻击反黑人法。 ①Then,in 1955,the organization set up an office in Beijing. 于是,1995年这个组织在北京设立了办事处。 ②________ some time each day to read,even if it is only five minutes. 每天都留出一点时间来读书,哪怕五分钟也行。 Set_aside Ⅰ.选词填空 1.If I don’t get this finished in time,I’ll be______________. 【答案】 in trouble 2.I think if he fails again he’ll just______________and give up. 【答案】 lose heart 3.________________,most people learn best by doing things,not by sitting in a classroom and reading about it.Do you agree with me? 【答案】 In my opinion 4.Being__________________and having two young children,they found it hard to make ends meet. 【答案】 out of work 5.Most people think that things have changed for the better since the new government________________. 【答案】 came to power 6.Kate and her partner are________________their own printing business. 【答案】 setting up Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2012年江西师大附中月考)When we________to the details of the plan, it came to our notice that it didn’t seem practical. A.got down B.set about C.went off D.came up 【答案】 A 2.(2010年辽宁卷)Thousands of people________to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland. A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around D.turned out 3.She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but



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