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返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 核心单词 核心语句 核心短语 36“记”之国家地理 核 心 单 词 1. area n.地区 2.history n.历史 3.culture n.文化 4.__________ n.人口 5._______ adj.自然的 6.________ n.资源 7.enable v.使……能够 8.witness v. _____ 9.__________ adj.意义重大的 10.long adj.长久的;悠久的 population natural resource 见证 significant 11.locate v._____________ 12. ___________ n.贡献 13.wonder n.奇观 14.hard-working adj. ___________________ 15.motherland n.祖国 16.wisdom n._____ 17.brave adj.勇敢的 18. _______ adj.官方的 19.______ vi.由……组成,构成 20.benefit v.得益 置于……位置 contribution 努力工作的,勤勉的 智慧 official consist (1)consist in在于,存在于 consist with...与……一致,相等 ①The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings.威尼斯的美很大程度上在于城中古建筑物的风格。 ②Actions should consist with ones words.言行应该一致。 ③Our team consists of/is made up of/is composed of 15 members.我们队由15位成员组成。 特 特别关注 1.consist(3年2考)★★★ 2.wonder(3年2考)★★★★ We wondered at her rudeness.我们对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。 核 心 短 语 1. consist ___由……组成 2.be located ___位于 3.as well as也 4.with a long history拥有悠久的历史 5.with an area of...拥有……面积 6.with a population of拥有……人口 7.enable...to...使……能够…… 8.be linked ___ ...与……有关系;与……有关联 9.have much ___ common有很多共同之处 10.benefit _____ ...从……中得益 of in to in from 11.feel proud of对……感到骄傲 12.make contributions to...为……作贡献 13.be rich ___在……方面丰富 14.try ones utmost尽某人最大努力 15.make up占,构成 16.be in possession of...占有;拥有 17.arm... _____ ...用……武装 18.live ___ harmony和谐生活 19.thanks to多亏;由于 20.take place发生 in with in 核 心 语 句 1. The Chinese nation consists of 56 nationalities,among which the Han Ethnic Group is the largest,making up 94% of the people. 中国有56个民族,其中汉族人最多,占94%。 2.China is a country with a long history and a large population.中国是一个有着悠久历史和众多人口的国家。 3.The two countries have much in common. 这两个国家有很多相同之处。 4.China is located in the east of Asia,with an area of 9,600,000 square kilometers.中国位于亚洲的东部,有960万平方公里的土地。 5.Our country is rich in culture as well as natural resources.我们国家不只是物产丰富,文化也很丰富。 6.We should try our utmost to make great contributions to the de


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