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返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 核心单词 核心语句 核心短语 美文连线 C 36“记”(话题/基础/技巧) 36“记”之学会分享★★★★ 核 心 单 词 1. share vt.分享 2.___________ vi.参加 3.donate vt._____ 4.________adj.金融的 5. ________ n. vi.志愿者 6. __________ adj.重要的 7.happiness n.幸福;快乐 8.sorrow n.伤心 9.unfortunately adv.不幸地 10.cooperate vi.合作 participate financial volunteer significant 捐赠 11.______ n.品德 12.skill n.技巧 13. ____________ n.机会 14.experience n. vt.___________ 15.double adj. vi.两倍的;翻倍 16. _______ vt.缓解 17. ____________ n.责任 18.friendship n.友谊 19.enrich vt._____ 20. ____________ vi. vt.交流 virtue opportunity 经验;经历 relieve responsibility 丰富 communicate 核 心 短 语 1. do a good deed 做好事 2.share with 与……分享 3.take an active part in 积极参加 4.fulfill this task _________ 5.in need of 需要 6.be proud of 以……为豪 7.take action _________ 8.come to ones rescue ___________ 9.volunteer to do sth自愿做某事 10. ______________实践技能 完成任务 采取行动 来帮助某人 Practical skills 11.__________________对……负责 12.social ability 社交能力 13. _______________对……有益 14.without doubt 毫无疑问 15.working experience 工作经验 16.develop the habit of 养成……的习惯 17.contribute to _____________ 18.set an example to 为……树立榜样 19.make a difference to 对……有影响 20. ___________________认为……是理所当然的 Be responsible for Be beneficial to 对……做贡献 Take it for granted 特别关注 doubt(3年3考)★★★★★ (1) There is no doubt about/that-clause 毫无疑问 I doubt whether(if)...我怀疑…… (3) beyond/without/no doubt毫无疑问,无疑 in doubt 怀疑地,未确定 ①There can be little doubt that special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. 毫无疑问,特殊班级可以帮助有天赋的孩子早些毕业,早点在社会上立足。 ②I dont doubt that Jane will continue to work here. 简会继续在这儿工作这事儿确定无疑。 核 心 语 句 他下定决心要为人民做件好事。 作为一个中国人他感到骄傲。 你是自愿做这个工作的吗? 1. He made up his mind to do a good deed for the people. 2.He is proud of being a Chinese. 3.Do you volunteer to do this job? 4.Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience.许多退休的老人还能利用他们丰富的 经验为社会作贡献。 5.If you want to de


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