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ISSN 1000- 3762 20081
13- 16
CN41- 1148/TH Bearing 2008, N . 1
陈永禄, 洪丽华, 张彩峰
( 福建工程学院 材料科学与工程系, 福州 3500 14)
: 08( ANCT) ,
, 180~ 300
, , : ANCT
850 750 620 , 18. 5 L /m in, 5 mL /m in, , 250~ 300 ,
, 8m 26. 3 m, 6. 3 m,
: ; ; ; ; ;
+ +
: TH 133. 33 3; TG 156. 5; TG156. 8 2 : A : 1000- 3762( 2008) 01- 0013- 04
Tem pering P rocess for N eedle R oller B earing Cage M ade of 08 Steel
CHEN Y ng- lu, HONG L i- hua, ZHANG Cai- feng
( C llege fM aterial and Engineering, Fujian Un ivers ity f T echn l gy, Fuzh u 350014, Ch ina)
A bstrac t: In rder t elmi inate the defects f need le r ller bearing cage after gas s ft nitrid ing, tempering is perf rm ed
at 180~ 300 , based n early expermi ents f austenitic area s ft n itriding. W ith the aids f m icr structure bservati n
and m icr - hardness m easurem ent, the influence f tem pering pr cess n the m icr structure and m icr - hardness is
analyzed. The ptmi al heat treatment pr cesses are as f ll w s: the ANCT tem perature in the three areas is 850 , 750
and 620 , amm n ia fl w is 18. 5 L /m in, ethan l dr p is 5 mL /m in, il quench ing and tem pering at 250 ~ 300
, water- c led. A fter the treatm ent, the average th ickness f the wh ite lay er and m artensite layer are 8m and
26. 3m respectively, the average size f c re grains is 6. 3m, m eeting the dem and f the surface w ear resistance.
K ey w ord s: need le r ller bearing; cage; tem per; nitr carburized; m icr structure; m icr hardness
0810 , , ANCT
() ,
[ 1- 2]
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