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Sichuan University of Science and Engineering Materials science and Engineering LiZhongzheng 2011级 防腐-2班 〇 The Disaster We Cant Forget 〇 Yaan earthquake mainly affected areas 〇 The Struggles We Did 〇 The memoryThe hope 〇 The Postscript 〇 I Have No Choice catalog 〇 Be Thankful The Disaster We Cant Forget In April 20, 2013, a magnitude [?m?ɡnitju:d] 7 earthquake in Yaan, Sichuan Lushan. In April 21st three in the afternoon, 186 people died, 11393 people were injured, 1500000 people were affected. A total of 1445 shock. 2013年4月20日,四川雅安芦山发生7.0级地震。到4月21日下午三点,有186人死亡,11393人受伤,150万人受灾。共发生1445次震动。 Heavy casualties, countless people lost their lives. Some children lost their parents and some parents, their son and daughter. 人员伤亡惨重,无数的人失去了他们的生命。一些孩子失去了父母和一些家长,他们的儿子和女儿了 Yaan earthquake mainly affected areas According to the survey, Sichuan earthquake in Lushan, the worst-hit areas including Lushan、Baoxing、Tianquan 、Mingshan、Qionglai、Dayi、Kangding Luding、Danling and Pujiang 9 County,and Yucheng District、City of Qionglai. 据调查,在芦山四川特大地震,受灾最严重的地区包括 庐山县、宝兴县、天全县、雨城区、名山县、邛崃市、大邑县、康定县、泸定县、丹棱县、浦江县。 Sichuan and neighbouring Chongqing, Gansu, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and cities are clearly felt. Sichuan provincial capital Chengdu Shuangliu Airport was shut down, and the poor area communic-ation 四川及周边的重庆、甘肃、陕西、贵州、云南等省市都有明显震感。四川省会成都双流机场一度关闭,与震区通信联络不畅。 The Struggles We Did It is not only the leaders concerned about the disaster, many people go to the earthquake relief in the struggle, many provinces have organized a rescue team to the affected areas, transport of relief supplies. 它不仅是领导关注的灾难,许多人去了抗震救灾的斗争中,许多省都组织了救援队伍,向受灾区运送的救援物资。 Chengdu Military Area Command Thirteenth Army immediately start the rescue plan, 2120 rescue workers led the rescue, excavator, loader 173, 4 helicopters dispatched emergency rescue, and rushed to the disaster area. 成都军区第十三军立即展开救援计划,2120名救援人员带领救援,挖掘机,装载机1734架直升机紧急出动救援,奔赴灾区。 The memoryThe hope R


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