Unit3At the market 听说.ppt

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Unit3At the market 听说

In this Unit ,You will learn to: Understand shopping information Buy goods and make a bargain(做交易) Sell second-hand items at a flea market Warm-up supermarket supermarket supermarket Flea Market Flea market Flea market 什么是“跳蚤市场”? A flea market is a place where you can buy or sell second-hand,handmade or home-made goods.it can be held in a warehouse, a school gym, or in a field,etc. 跳蚤市场是一个你可以买或出售二手或自制货物的地方。它可以在一个仓库里,一个学校的体育馆,或在一个空旷场地来出售货物。 “跳蚤市场”的由来 “跳蚤市场”的由来 有两种理论,一种是: flea market最初来源于纽约的Fly Market,Fly Market是纽约曼哈顿地区的一个固定市场,这一市场从美国独立战争(1775年)之前一直延续到大约1816年。Fly这个词来源于该市场的荷兰语名称Vly或Vlie,这个词在荷兰语的意思是“山谷”,很巧的是,它在荷兰语中的发音正好和英语中的flea一样,所以就形成了英语中的flea market 另一种说法是flea market起源于19世纪末的法国,Le Marche aux Puces(法语,字面意思相当于英语中的 market of the fleas)是巴黎专门卖便宜货的地方。相传1884年,巴黎政府为维护干净市容,要求许多捡破烂为生的贫民将市区的废弃物搬运到荒废的军营,这些贫民以平时在垃圾堆里寻宝的功力,自行在废弃物中挑拣尚能用的物品过滤出售,没多久就形成一处固定的市集,称之为「flea market」,即跳蚤市场之意。此名称的由来众说纷纭,有一说因为这些物品多已被使用过,常有许多跳蚤在上面,因此被称为跳蚤市场,另外也有市场里面的人跟跳蚤一样多故得名的说法。 Supermarket 超市 Flea Market 跳蚤市场 The difference: All the goods in a supermarket are new. You can find almost everything you need in a supermarket. Things sold at a flea market are usually used and much cheaper than those in a supermarket. Activity2:Discussion Talk with your partner about the items you can buy or sell at the two markets and write them down in the following table bananas apples pears starfruits watermelons lemons Listening and speaking A.How much are they altogether? finish doing sth. : 做完某事 biscuit 饼干 discount 折扣 at a discount: 打折 a 10% discount: 九折 change:(找回的)零钱 on sale: 廉价出售 offer:v. 主动提出,自愿给予 offer sb. sth/offer sth. to sb. n. 主动提议,建议 Thank for your kind offer. Activity 2: A:What can I do for you? B: I’d like to have a box of biscuits(饼干) and a bottle of orange juice. A: Here are your biscuits and orange juice. B: How much are they altogether? A: Eight dollars. B: Do you have any discount(折扣) today


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