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Chapter 13 状语从句的译法 (一)时间状语从句 (二)原因状语从句 (三)地点状语从句 (四)条件状语从句 (五)让步状语从句 (六)方式状语从句 (七)结果状语从句 (八)目的状语从句 (九)比较状语从句 (一)时间状语从句: The air pushes against things when they move in it. 物体在空气中运动时,空气便对其产生阻力。 自1949年新中国成立以来,我国的科学技术取得了很大成就。 Great achievements have been made in our science and technology since new China founded in 1949. 1.不论原句中主从句的次序如何,均按汉语习惯转译成位于句首的短语: 2.转译成汉语的并列复句: The earth turns round its axis as it travels about the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运行,一面绕地轴自转。 还没等上油,他就把机器开动了。 He operated the machine when it was not oiled. 3.转译成汉语中特定条件句中的条件分句(表特定条件的偏句)或表原因的分句: When this question is answered, even better and cheaper electrical materials can be developed. 只要这一问题得到解决,就能研制出更好更便宜的电工材料。 由于风把沙砾吹起来,碰撞大岩石,因而较松散的岩石层便会慢慢磨损。 When winds blow sand particles against a large rock for a long time, the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away. 2.转译成汉语中假设复句中的假设分句: Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,(那么)清将电闸拉下。 许多世纪过去以后,人类才发现了电。 Many centuries had passed before man found electricity. 3.主句转译成汉语的短语,从句转译成汉语的单句: Hardly had the operator pressed the button when all the electric machines began to work. (当)操作人员一按电钮,所有电机就开始运行。 2.译成汉语的后续式分句: Hence, in this work we investigate the use of dual adaptive control for the affined class of nonlinear, discrete-time systems when the nonlinear functions are unknown and a stochastic additive disturbance is present at the output. 因此,本文将研究双效自适应控制在一类非线性、离散时间系统中的应用,该系统的非线性特征未知,在系统输出上还附有随机干扰。 (二)原因状语从句: As a steel ship is hollow, it floats on water. 由于钢船是空心的,因此能浮在水面。 因为燃料用完了,所以发动机停了。 The engine stopped because the fuel was used up. 1.不论英语中从句的位置是在句首还是在句末,汉译时状语从句大多按汉语习惯译在句首: 2.有时当从句处于主句之后时,为了考虑与上下文的呼应,也可采用顺译法,将从句仍译在句后: The material first used was copper because it was easily obtained in its pure state. 最早使用的材料是铜,因为纯铜易得。 (三)地点状语从句: Where there is sound, there must be sound waves. 只要有声音,就会有声波。 无论控制系统什么地方发生故障,都会有办法。 A signal will be shown wherever anything wrong occurs with the control system. 1.转译成特定条件句中的条件分句(表特定条件的偏句): 2.转译成无条件句中的分句(表排除


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