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Control Coordination The Nervous System Neurons Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord(脊椎) Peripheral Nervous System The Senses Organization in the Body The Nervous System Helps the body adjust to changes in your environment The Nervous System Stimulus Any change inside or outside your body that brings about a response Homeostasis Regulation of steady conditions inside the body The Nervous System Central Nervous System = Brain + Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System = Nerves to rest of body Neurons Building blocks of the nervous system? 100 billion neurons in your brain alone 30,000 on a pinhead They communicate with each other thousands of times a second. Bundles of neurons make up NERVES 3 Types of Nerve Cells Sensory Neurons Receive information form a sensory receptor and send impulses to the CNS Interneurons Relay impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons Motor Neurons Carry impulse from the CNS to muscles and glands through out the body Parts of a Neuron ?3 MAIN PARTS Dendrites - receive messages from other neurons Cell Body – nucleus is found here Axon - sends messages to other neurons Parts of a Neuron Synapse Space between each neuron Neurotransmitters are the messengers that travel across each synapse They are chemical signals that neurons use to talk to each other, which is what makes your brain work. They help determine how you feel, think and act. Neurotransmitters Serotonin - involved in mood (such as helping you to feel happy), sleep, mental health, blood pressure and heartbeat. Dopamine - important in helping to regulate physical movement, pleasure, and thought. Missing in patients with Parkinsons Disease. Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine - involved in regulating muscles, memory, mood, sleep, and organs (like the heart). Lowered amounts associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Central Nervous System (C.N.S.) Cerebrum Largest part of the brain Interprets impulses from the senses Responsible for: thinking and learning creativity five senses me


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