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Medications Medications can be used to relieve symptoms of COPD, particularly shortness of breath, and to treat respiratory tract infections that can worsen COPD.[19] Currently available medications that are helpful in treating COPD include bronchodilators and corticosteroids. Antibiotics are useful in treating exacerbations caused by bacterial infections. No medications have been found to cure the disease or reverse the loss of lung function caused by smoking.[8] Medications of different classes have been found to be useful in treating COPD and can be used in combination. The overall approach to managing stable COPD involves a stepwise increase in treatment, depending on the severity of the disease.[19] * * Structured and monitored exercise training ? Nutrition advice ? Techniques for reducing and controlling breathing problems ? Education about maintaining and improving function ? Help to quit smoking ? Information about your disease and ways to cope ? Emotional and psychological support 肺康复是“一项为各个肺部疾病患者量身订做,旨在促进 患者生理及社会适应能力,提高其自理能力的康复计划” 。 广义的肺康复包括运动、呼吸肌训练、长程氧疗、营养治疗、胸 部体疗、放松疗法等。目前所讲的肺康复主要包括 :运动训 练(包括极量和亚极量运动)、呼吸肌训练、健康教育、心理和行 为干预及其效果评价,其中运动训练是肺康复的核心,主要包 括上、下肢运动训练。 What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation? Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a program of education and exercise classes that teaches you about your lungs, how to exercise and do activities with less shortness of breath, and how to live better with your lung condition. How will Pulmonary Rehabilitation help me? By attending education classes, you will learn many things about your lungs. For example, the following topics will be discussed: what is wrong with your lungs, what your medicines do, when to call your health care provider, and how to keep from being hospitalized. During group meetings, you will meet others with breathing problems. This gives you time share concerns and approaches to living with breathing problems. The exercise classes will help you be more active with less shortness of breath. Usually, you wi


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