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各类题型解答方式 细节性题目 是非题 释义题 原因性 猜测(例证)用意 单词词义 推理暗示题 写作目的题 态度立场题 细节性题目 细节性题目问题有两种基本形式:完全式和不完全式,其中不完全式的问题占绝大多数。   1.完全式 Why do women seem less likely to be promoted after marriage? What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the area? According to the passage,how did the drums differ from many other drums? According to the passage,through which of the following does the energy released?    细节性题目 2.不完全式 According to the passage,the new machine proved to be????——————?????? . In the author’s opinion,visual and spatial abilities are good for——————. According to the passage,? women are usually good at————————. The Sun’s light travels slowly when ——————. 解题的基本方法 问题中的关键词或词组 返回文章查找问题的相关句, 用这个相关句来对照选项 . 具备两方面的知识 : 1.文章细节结构知识 2.文章过渡词知识  1.文章细节结构知识 描述性结构(这种结构主要介绍事物,问题或倾向的特点、特征。对人物的描述如传记包括人的身体特征,家庭背景,成长过程,个性爱好,成就贡献等。因此文章中,时间,地点,数据是主要细节); 释义性结构(这种结构是解释某一理论,学科,事物。主要是用例子,比喻,类比进行阐述); 比较性结构(这种结构主要是对两个事物或人物在功能,特点,优缺点,贡献方面进行比较); 原因性结构(这种结构主要是分析事物的成因,客观的,主观的,直接的,间接的); 驳论性结构(这种结构主要是介绍一种观点,然后对其评论或驳斥,分析其优缺点,或危害性,最后阐明自己的观点)。 2.文章过渡词知识 根据过渡词表示的语义和逻辑关系,我们可以分类为: 1) 举例 for example, for instance, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, say, e.g. 2) 释义 that is, that is to say, in other words, so to speak, or rather, namely ?3) 原因 because, because of, for, as, owing to, thanks to, due to, now that, since, as a result of, attribute to, in that 4) 条件 if, unless, whether, provided that, given, as long as, on condition that, otherwise ???   5) 让步 despite, in spite of, though, although, nevertheless, but, however, admittedly, it is true…but, after all 6) 结果 ?for this reason, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, thus, in short, in a word, to sum up, to conclude 7)比较 similarly, like, likewise, in the same way, much.., as much, no more.., than, just as... so ? 8)对照 whereas,? instead,? however,? unlike,? on the contrary,? in contrast, on the other hand, while, some.., others 9)层进 first, in the first place, to begin with, second, next, in


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