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* 1、汉语式思维 See the film will took me much time. He happened an accident yesterday. 2、谓语缺失 He told me that all my classmates sitting in the classroom. She in the classroom yesterday. (Seeing) ( An accident happened to him yesterday. ) were was * 3、There be 句型出错 There are five students play basketball on the playground. There are some workers are working in the field. Five * 4、谓语动词用法出错 He dressed in a new coat. Great changes have been taken place. When I arrived Hong Kong, my mother was there waiting for me. 5、词性混用 She enjoys study English. If anyone against the plan, please let me know. is in (studying) is * 6、非谓语动词出错 Being seriously ill, his class-mates sent him to hospital. Seeing from the space, the earth looks like a ball. As he is seriously ill, (Seen) * 7、分数与百分数作主语 In our class, 20% sthdents are girls,but three fifths students are boys. 8、定语从句错误 The two boys are reading are my brothers. The book I bought it is lost. I’ll never forget the days when we spent in the village together. of the of the who that * 9、连词出错 Although he tried, but he still couldn’t keep up with the others. My suggestion is we try for a second time. 10、形容词、副词混用 The patient appeared nervously when he talked to the doctor.? The artist worked hardly to finish his drawings on time. that nervous hard LOGO New School, New Life 影响英语书面表达得分的几个因素 1.语篇信息是否完整(必须写完所有的要点), 注意审题,避免偏题及画蛇添足的现象 2.结构是否清晰(总-分-总) 3.是否灵活运用各种句型及是否使用高级词汇 4. 卷面整洁,书写工整,注意字数要求 评分要求 1.考生需用完整的句子表达出要点。如果只写出相关词汇而无主谓结构,不可视为表达出该要点,不给分。 2.在表达要点的句子中,如果考生写出主谓结构及关键信息,但主谓结构有严重的语法错误,如:时态语态,系表结构中无系动词或只有情态动词、助动词而无主要动词,可视为表达出半个要点。 3.表达必须连贯。如果只是用单独的句子表达出要点意思,句子之间不连贯,按本档低线给分。 档次 得分 语言使用情况 5 29~35 语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚。 4 22~28 语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。 3 15~21 语言有一些错误,尚能达意。 2 8~14 语言错误很多,影响表达。 1 1~7 只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词。 0 未能传达与本题相关的任何信息。 The process of writing a composition 1. 分析作文的题材,格式和时态 2. 根


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