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翻译系列之一:主语从句 Definition:主语 主语:句子的核心主体,通常位于谓语之前,表明一个句子是谁或何种情况所发出执行或者承受的。 句子欣赏 Life is a matter of choice. Losing can be a real beginning. The selfless can be fearless. The ignorant can be fearless. The shameless can be fearless. More Examples To light the candle of heart is better than to curse the darkness of the outside world. 点亮内心的蜡烛,胜过咒骂外界的黑暗。 From words to deeds is a great space. 言行之间大有距离。 Definition:主语从句 在复合句中起主语作用的从句叫做主语从句,引导主语从句的词有从属连词,连接代词,关系代词,连接副词等,它们在句子中不能省略。 记住十种句型 十种主语从句句型,根据引导词的不同而划分。 十种主语从句的练习。 句型一:That + 完整句=名词 That everyone may receive at least a senior high school education is significant. That all men are created equal and that both men and women should enjoy equal rights are nothing but slogans and desires. 句型二:Whether + 完整句=名词 Whether you can succeed in making your dream come true depends on hard work more than luck. Whether computer can replace the role of teachers has long been a hot topic. 句型三:how + 完整句=名词 How you think and act will influence your life. 句型四:where+ 完整句=名词 Where we love is home. Where our language is stored in the brain and how the form and meaning are stored and whether the form and meaning are stored in the same place or in a different place are still major problems for psychologists to probe into. 句型五:when + 完整句=名词 When the sun is shining is the best time to repair the roof. When you can finish it depends on your efforts. 句型六:why + 完整句=名词 Why so many people prefer to live in the city is beyond me. Why we need to love and hate and why we need to set a clear line between our love and hate are commonplace questions, but these questions, though commonplace, defy easy answers. 句型七:whoever + 不完整句=名词 Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps. Whoever dares wins. Whoever seeks obtains. 句型八:which + 不完整句=名词 Which way you turn is up to you. Which girl you choose to be your girlfriend is your decision. 句型九:what + 不完整句=名词 What’s done can’t be undone. What we do willingly is easy. 句型十:Whatever+ 不完整句=名词 Whatever i


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