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Katharina Reiss;功能学派代表人物及作品;凯瑟琳娜·莱斯(1923-);莱斯和文本类型理论;莱斯认为,语篇有信息型、表达型和操作型三种类型,语篇类型决定翻译方法。 《翻译的抉择:类型、体裁、及文本的个性》一文中,她在语篇类型学的基础上,细致分析了翻译过程的步骤。 分析阶段(phrase of analysis):要确定原文的功能类型(text type)和文本体裁(text variety),然后进行文本外部语言分析。 重述阶段(phrase of reverbalization):在上一步的基础上组织目标文本的结构,文本功能决定一般翻译方法,体裁决定语言和篇章结构。 ;Katharina Reiss TYPE, KIND AND INDIVIDUALITY OF TEXT Decision making in translation;;; Unintentional changes may arise from the different language structures as well as from differences in translating competence. 举例 Intentional changes frequently occur in translating, if the aims pursued in the translation are different from those of the original; if,besides the language difference of the TL readers, there is a change in the reading circle, etc.举例; Written texts are to be characterized as “one-way communication”。 This means, on the one hand, that non-linguistic elements contributing to oral communication are partly verbalized.(gestures, facial expressions, speed of speech, intonation, etc.) ;;1.3 A significant factor for translating;2.0 Phrase of analysis In order to place a functionally equivalent TL text beside an SL text the translator should clarify the functions of the SL text. This may be done in a three-stage-process.They are the following three parts-text type,text variety and style. 2.1 Establishment of the text-type Text-type: A phenomenon going beyond a single linguistic or cultural context.; There are three text types, a. The communication of content ---informative type b. The communication of artistically organized content --- expressive type c. The communication of content with a persuasive character --- operative type Eg. a,The particular frequency of words and phrases of evaluation (positive for the addresser or for the cause to which he has committed himself; negative for any obstacle to his commitment);b, “The feature that speech elements are capable of pointing beyond themselves to a significance of the whole” (Grosse 1976) c,


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