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Contrast Between English and Chinese He was impressed by Deng Xiaoping’s flexibility. Their eccentricity often makes you frown. We stepped onto the mysterious land with caution and uneasiness. 他对邓小平的灵活态度印象深刻。 他们的古怪行为常常令人皱眉。 我们怀着谨慎和不安的心情踏上了那片神秘的国土 。 Difference English : Abstract (抽象) Chinese: Concrete (具体) Contrast Between English and Chinese If you don’t compare, you’re in the dark, but the moment you do, you get a shock. 2. As Tom has failed to come due to his sudden illness, we have to ask you to take his place. 不比不知道,一比吓一跳。 比较:如果不比,你就不知道,一旦比了,你会吓一跳。) 汤姆突然病了,没能来,我们只好请你顶他。 (比较:因为汤姆突然病了,所以他没能来,因而我们只好请你顶他。) Difference English : Hypotactic (形合) Chinese: Paratactic (意合) Explicit cohesion (显性联接)Implicit coherence (隐性连贯) Contrast Between English and Chinese The onlooker sees most of the game. 旁观者看比赛更清楚。(当局者迷,旁观者清。) 2. In calamity, one sees the true friendship. 在患难中,人们才能看到真正的友情。 (疾风知劲草,患难见真情。) 3. He is about 40, in the very prime of life. 他四十左右,正年富力强。 He is about 20, young and vigorous. 他二十左右,年轻力壮。 Difference English : plain and factual Chinese: rhythmic and symmetrical (讲平实) (重韵律) Don’t you think you can do translation better when you know the differences between the two languages? 你是否从语言比较中获得有关翻译的启示? Conclusion 结论 Contrastive analysis facilitates FL learning and translating. 对比分析有助于外语学习与翻译。 * Amber琥珀 * Phonological transfer (语音迁移) 】The sound /n/ does not exist in some Chinese dialects and /l/ serves as a substitute. 有些中国方言(如武汉方言)中没有/n/这个辅音,而用/l/来替代。 Morphological transfer (词形迁移)Neither nouns nor verbs have inflections in Chinese. 在汉语中,名词和动词都没有形态变化。 * 比较研究着重寻找语言间的相似点,运用历时的研究方法。对比研究着重寻找语言间的不同点,运用共时的研究方法。 * Malt: m Contrastive Study on English-Chinese and Text Translation 英汉对比与篇章翻译 What’s a text? TEXT篇章是翻译的真正单位 篇章是思想交流的基本单位 语篇具有主动性 Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts have been safely embedded and p


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