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旅游英语1 旅游英语的文体特点 旅游英语的文体特点 旅游英语是一种应用英语,其形式灵活多样,内容驳杂,兼有数种文体类别,譬如,旅游指南属描述性文体,语言描述富有层次感和程序性,生动、形象、明白、畅晓,说服力强。旅游日程安排属教范性文体,其语言结构具简略性和明确性。通知属公文文体,使用正式英语书面语,凝练简洁,明晰畅达。旅游广告属广告文体,短小精悍,句式简洁,具有强烈的感召力。旅游条件书属契约文体,条例清晰,用词规范、程式化。 一、涉猎面广,词汇量大 旅游是一门综合性的活动,它涉及政治、历史、地理、文学艺术甚至天文、考古等多方面的知识,因此旅游英语词汇量极大,从而要求导游或翻译扩大阅读面,不断充实自己。 (1) To make tea, porcelain pots are usually the best to use. The boiling water is poured over the leaves in the pot and the teapot is promptly covered to steep for several minutes. In this way, the fragrance remains there, and the tea tastes the best. 要沏茶,通常,最好用瓷壶:把开水倒入预先放好茶叶的壶内,立即盖上壶盖,浸泡几分钟。这样,茶香不失,茶味最佳。 (2) Rail transport is readily available all over Great Britain but expensive: prices outpace most of those in the continental countries and Eurail is not valid. 大不列颠的铁路运输四通八达,但票价昂贵,价格提升快于大陆的大多数国家。大陆铁路不能直达英国。 (3) Perhaps no city is as fabulous as Venice built on pilings, this labyrinth poises over a lagoon. 也许没有一个城市会像建在木桩上的威尼斯这样奇妙,这是一座悬在泻湖上的迷宫。 (4) The deep-green mountain forests of the northeast coast in USA are drenched with more than 250 centimeters of rain each year. At the other extreme, the deserts of the southeast receive less than 13 centimeters annually. 美国东北沿海一带苍郁的深山密林,每年获得雨量超过250厘米,而东南部的沙漠则年降雨量不及13厘米。 (5)When the time is reached for her departure for the groom’s family, the bride in red clothes and green shoes and with a piece of red cloth covering her head is carried by her brothers into her sedan. 吉辰已到,新人该去婆家了。新娘穿着红衣绿鞋,蒙着红盖头,由兄弟抬上花轿。 二、生动形象,引人入胜 平淡呆板的语言,往往使人产生厌恶的情绪。旅游英语总是运用活泼而风趣的措辞,生动而高雅的描述,给人以美的享受,激发起浓厚的游兴。 (1) Look into the distance and you will have a nice view of the White Swan Pond in the Pearl River and boats up and down the river with the bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky. 夜晚,凭栏远望珠江上的白鹅潭,皓月当空,繁星闪闪,舟楫如梭,鹅潭美景,一览无余。 (2) A slow surf is breaking on the reefs and islands, sending up fountains of spray, and the frost-touched grass on the heath is bronze in the sun. 缓缓的海浪拍击着礁石、岛屿、溅起万道水花飞沫,荒地上经霜的小草在阳光下呈现出青铜色。 (3) Bells chime, flocks of pigeons cr


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