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Son of Solomon;Cultural background;Summary;Book reviews;2. 托尼 莫里森的语言有一种令人惊讶的紧密,她简直把整个世界给塞进去了。阅读的时候你无法提高速度,因为很容易就错过了情节。而她又像是对玩具漫不经心的小孩子,把那么多的故事和事实随意布满了每一页。你从中似乎没有看到连成线的、起承转合紧密的情节,但这些散落的珍珠却串成了网,直到最后紧紧裹住你,托尼 莫里森眼里的非裔美国人的世界就是这样悄悄地包围了你。 在《所罗门之歌》里面,这张网的脉络总算清晰,但比起线性的结构,从网上来摸索时间的轨迹并不是太容易。奶娃一家的历史,从奶娃爷爷的爸爸开始,到奶娃爷爷悉心经营最后送了性命的林肯天堂农场,到奶娃爸爸和自己妹妹的经历,最后到奶娃自己的生活,无一不是这张网上的散落的点。但当当小说的最后,奶娃通过发现自己的苦旅和古老的歌谣串起了这张网的时候,你会惊叹这张网覆盖了巨大的、广阔的世界和悲哀。最点睛的是派拉特能看到的自己父亲的鬼魂和那袋骸骨,向两条若隐若现的丝线,串起了故事最中心的一部分,也才会有最后整张大网的铺陈。特别是读到奶娃发现派拉特以为是白人淘金者的骸骨其实是派拉特父亲的骸骨时,一种巨大的力量突然收紧了整张网,一个家族三代人的悲欢离合和时代的荒唐在一瞬间混合在一起,充满了振聋发聩的拷问。 而在最后,所罗门的子孙完成了又一次飞翔,而这一次飞翔,是对过去、现在和将来画下的又一个问号。这是托尼 莫里森提出的问题,这也是每一个她的同胞的问题,同时却也是历史和时代向后来人提出的问题。;Major theme;Brief introduction;Near midpoint in the book -- when we may begin to wonder if the spectacle of Milkmans apparently thwarted life is sufficient to hold our attention much longer -- there is an abrupt shift. Through his involvement with his fathers sister, the bizarre and anarchic Pilate (whose dedication to life and feeling is directly opposed to her brothers methodical acquisition of things), and with Guitar, one of the black avengers, Milkman is flung out of his private maelstrom. He is forced to discover, explore, comprehend and accept a world more dangerous than the Blood Bank (the ghetto neighborhood of idle eccentrics, whores, bullies and lunatics, which he visited as a boy). But this world is also rewarding, as it opens into the larger, freer sphere of time and human contingency and reveals the possibility of knowing ones origins and of realizing the potential found in the lives, failures and victories of ones ancestors. ;Although it begins as a hungry hunt for a cache of gold that his father and Pilate left in a cave in Virginia, Milkmans search is finally a search for family history. As he travels through Pennsylvania and Virginia, acquiring the jagged pieces of a story that he slowly assembles into a long pattern of courage and literal transcendence of tragedy


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