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graphite 石墨 diatomic molecule 双原子分子 valent 价的 bond 键 electron cloud 电子云 allotropic 同素异形的 amorphous 无定形的 rhombic 斜方的 crystallization 结晶 solution 溶液 1.词类转换多:即在翻译过程中将英文中的某种词类译成汉语中的另一种词类,如名词→动词,形容词→动词,动词→名词等等。 With the discovery of thousands of(数千的) new inorganic compounds it has become necessary to revise the traditional rules of nomenclature. 随着成千上万新的无机化合物的发现,修正传统的命名规则成为必然。 Many of the older names are still used, however, and our ensuing(跟着发生,继起) discussion will include in many cases both the old and new, with emphasis on the latter. 很多比较陈旧(古老)的名字仍然使用,而我们接下来的讨论将包括许多旧的和新的命名的例子,重点是后者。 Table 3. Some Common Ions The color also changes from straw yellow at sulfurs melting point to a deep reddish-brown as it becomes more viscous. 当黏度增加时,硫的颜色也从熔点时的淡黄色一直变到深棕红色。 If the hot liquid sulfur is quenched by pouring it into cold water,the amorphous form of sulfur is produced. 热的液体硫如果用冷水淬火,就形成了无定型硫。 The structure of amorphous sulfur consists of large-coiled helices with eight sulfur atoms to each turn of the helix; 无定形硫是由大的线圈型螺旋链组成,这些螺旋链是S8环断裂后,首尾相连形成的。 the overall nature of amorphous sulfur is described as rubbery because it stretches much like ordinary rubber. 可以把无定型硫的全部性质描述为弹性硫,因为它伸缩的时候象一般的橡胶一样有弹性。 Sulfur, an important raw material in industrial chemistry, BaSO4?2H2O. 作为化学工业的重要原材料, occurs as the free element, as SO2 in volcanic regions,as H2S in mineral waters,and in a variety of sulfide ores such as iron pyrite FeS2, zinc blende ZnS, galena PbS and such, and in common formations of gypsum CaSO4?2H2O, anhydrite CaSO4 and barytes. 硫的存在形式多种多样。如单质硫,火山喷发地区的SO2,矿泉水中的H2S,以及各种硫化物矿如黄铁矿FeS2,闪锌矿ZnS,方铅矿PbS和以常见形式存在的石膏CaSO4?2H2O,硬石膏(无水石膏)和重晶石。 Sulfur,in one form or another,is used in large quantities for making sulfuric acid, fertilizers,insecticides, and paper. 以多种形式存在的硫,大量地用于制造硫酸、化肥、杀虫剂和纸业。 Fortunately,it is now economically favorable to recover these gases, thus greatly reducing this type of atmospheric pollution. 幸运的是,现在回收这些气体非常经济,从而大大地减少了此类气体对大气的污染。 A typical roast


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