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Unit1 Will people have robots? Revision 翻译下列句子: 1.我认为人们不再使用钱,一切都将是免费的。 I think people won’t use money, everything will be free. 2 .去年我去了上海并爱上了它。 I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 3.我不同意,但是我认为那里将有更少的树。 I disagree, but I think there will be fewer trees. 5.我将能穿的更随意。 I’ll be able to dress more casually. 6.我们不得不穿制服上学。 We have to wear a uniform to school. 7.人们不喜欢做这样的工作并且会感到无聊。 People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. 8.我的生活将变得比现在好得多。 My life will be a lot better than it is now. 9.Jim 一个人居住,但他不感到孤单. Jim lives alone, but he doesn’t feel lonely. 10.全世界将只有一个国家. There will be only one country in the whole world. 11.A week ago, she flew to America. (用in a week 改写) * [核心句型] What do you think life will be like in100years? Every home will have a robot. Will kids go to school? No, they won’t. They’ll study at home. There will be fewer trees. 按要求变换词形 1. more反义词________ 2. pollute名词________ 3. will not 缩写 ________ 4. has 过去式_________ 5. less 的原级_________ 6. bus复数__________ 7. build名词_________ 8. agree反义词_________ 9. possible反义词_________ 10. pleasant反义词___________ 11. alone形容词__________ less pollution won’t had little buses building disagree impossible unpleasant lonely 1.在家通过电脑学习 2.免费的 3.活到二百岁 4.一百年以后 5.更少的人 6.更少的空闲时间 7.更少的污染 8.从现在起的20年后 study at home on computers be free live to be 200 years old in 100 years fewer people less free time less pollution 20 years from now 1.更多的高楼大厦 2.更少地用地铁 3.更多地用电脑 4.一个拥挤的城市 5.我同意 6.我不同意 7.在中学 8.在大学 9.玩… 10.一所公寓 more tall buildings use the subways less use the computers more a crowded city I agree. I don’t agree/disagree. in high school in college play with an apartment 1.电脑程序设计师 2.乘火车上学 3.乘火箭去月球 4.在空间站 5.爱上… 6.作为一名记者 7.遇见很多有趣的人 8.和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓 9.一个人住 computer programmer take the train to school fly rockets to the moon on the space station fall in love with as a reporter meet many interesting people live in an apartment with my best friends


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