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Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! Section B Do you want to be a professional athlete? Why or why not? a professional athlete Look at the title and predict what you will read about. (看标题,预测内容) Title: (标题) Say it like this: If I am a professional athlete, I will … 1. He had a ______(机会) to volunteer at the People’s Hospital this summer. 2. Tony’s uncle is a famous ______(律师). 3. Would you like to go to the movies with me ______ (今晚)? 4. The soccer team _____(代理人) got a letter from Mike yesterday. 5. Are you for the idea or ______(反对) it? 3. People _______________ enjoy sports. 4. We will _________ finish the work tomorrow. 5. The children are singing __________. 4. Old Henry made (A) a living to sell (B) old newspapers (C). ________________ 5. If I become (A) a good cooker (B), my mother will be (C) happy. ___________ will (参考词汇) have a lot of money travel around the world have much freedom(自由) feel interesting/funny/exciting work with children give money to schools and charities help people I want to be a ... If I am a ..., ...will .... What is your dream job? wont (参考词汇) have little money have little freedom(自由)/watch me all the time and follow me everywhere feel boring work late /sleep little/feel too tired too dangerous/get injured cant go to college wont know your real friends I don’t want to be a ... If I am a..., ... will... Writing: 每个人都有理想的职业,你的理想职业是什么?这个职业有什么利与弊,写一篇80字左右的文章,向大家介绍你的理想职业。 友情提示:a dream job, if, famous, make money, chance, have a difficult time, make a living If I become a/an _________ If I become a/an …, I will___________ ________________________________ I won’t___________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3c Write about your own plans using sentences with if and will. Example 1: Maybe I will become a teacher.If I become a teacher,I will work with children.I love children,so I will be happy. I will also be able to work outside sometimes.But I won’t b


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