九年级-4单元used to do PPT.pptx

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九年级-4单元used to do PPT

九年级英语 第四讲;used to do,be used to sth./doing sth.和be used to do ▲used to do意思是“过去是”“过去常常”,暗含现在已不是这样了之意。这里的used只能用过去时,不能用其他任何时态。其否定形式为usednt/usent或didnt use。如: ; I used to be a worker, working in a factory, 我过去是个工人,在一家工厂上班。 We used to play in the wheat fields on winter evenings, when we were children. 当我们还是小孩的时候,常常在冬天的夜晚到麦田里去玩。 ;There used to be a railway station in that area. 那一地区原来有个火车站。 Did the river use to be dear and clean? 那条河过去是又清澈又干净的吗? ▲be used to sth./ doing sth.意思是“习惯于做某事”,be可用get或become替换。如: Be patient,and you will be used to the life here soon. 耐心些!很快你就会习惯这儿的生活的。 ;Step by step,we are used to the way of brushing our teeth both in the morning and evening. 我们逐渐习惯于早晚刷牙了。 Gradually,they were used to getting up early. 他们逐渐习惯于早起了。 After staying there for weeks,they,the foreigners,were used to fetching water from a well.在那儿待了几个星期,他们那些外国人习惯于从井里打水了。 ;Miss Lisa becomes used to watching Chinese TV programs without an interpreter. 丽莎小姐习惯于不带翻译看汉语电视节目。 ▲be used to do实际上是动词use的被动语态,表示“被用来做……”“派……用”。如: That tool is used to dig holes. 那工具是挖洞用的。 Plastics can be used to make all kinds of things. 塑料能用来制造各种各样的东西。 ;used to do sth.句型表示“过去常常,过去习惯.”表示过去的某种习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作或状态). e.g.I used to live there when I was a child. 否定式:used not to do sth. 口语中:didn’t use to do sth. (used not可缩写为usedn’t或usen’t.) e.g.I used not to live there when I was a child. I didn’t use to live there when I was a child. ;疑问句:Did +sb +use to do sth. Did you use to live there when you was a child? used to do sth.与be used to (doing) sth.的区别 1.used to do sth.“过去总做某事”(现在不做了)只用于过去时态. e.g.He used to get up early. 2.be used to (doing) sth.表“习惯??做某事”,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,be可以用become,get等来代替,此处to是介词. e.g.He will be used to getting up early. ;大家会辨析了吗?;每日一句: If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. 世界以寒相待,请以温暖相报。


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