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* 用在衣服上可以认为fit是大小合适,suit是颜色合适,match是都合适。 fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮肤、气质、身材或身份相称。match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等的搭配。 This new jacket fits her well . 这件夹克很合她的身。 对比:This new jacket suits her beautifully . 这件夹她穿着真漂亮。 That colour suits you best . Try the new key and see if it fits the keyhole. Does this time suit you ? No dish suits all tastes . 当表示“使……适合”的意思时,fit 常与 for 连用;suit 常与 to 连用。 His experience fits him for the job . He suited his speech to his audience . 他使自己的演讲适合于听众。 The Peoples Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tian An Men beautifully . 人民大会堂和历史博物馆把天安门陪衬得极为美丽。 match / fit / suit 精讲: match表品质、颜色、设计等方面匹配,即:与……相配; fit作及物动词:适合,配上,合身,使人适应;作不及物动词,表吻合,合身; suit表适合,常强调颜色、式样等适合某人,而fit则强调大小合身。 九年级 Revision Units 6-10 Up短语集锦:show up dress up look up set up clean up give up cheer up call up=ring up pick up wake up put up eat up fix up make up come up come up with=think up cut up mix up use up Out 短语集锦:hand out run out of help out work out wear out put out sell out go out of look out look out of come out set out Off短语集锦: put off set off take off turn off get off have a day off jump off run off go off away短语集锦: run away far away go away take away give away be away stay/keep away from break away1.突然离开;逃跑,脱身 2.破除,脱离 turn away1.转过去2.驱逐,解雇3.转移(愤怒)4.轻视(不赞成) put away1.把...收起;放好 2.储存 3.抛弃;放弃 throw away down短语集锦: break down sit down jump down put down come down walk down the street in短语集锦: hand in give in come in be interested in be strict in in surprise in danger in trouble in hospital in bed do well in in a word have trouble (in) doing sth. take part in=join in in a hurry in doubt有疑问,不确定 (get) in the way on短语集锦: put on turn on go on work on come on try on get on get on well with on display o


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