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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 制度文明高于一切,政治文明、社会文明、道德文明的基础制度文明。 * 自《人力资源计分卡》,Brian E. Becker, Mark A. Huselid,机械工业出版社,2003中文版。有修改。 * * * * * * “敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追”《游击战V.阵地战,正规战》 “战略防御,战略相持,战略进攻,胜利一定是属于中国人民的”。速胜论V.亡国论,《论持久战》 * * * * * *  Neutrogena肥皂公司曾经有着非常明确的战略,这个公司生产的香皂以高价、中性、不含有害物质、无残留物作为价值诉求,选择一种温和的,酸碱平衡的配方,针对的是那些敏感性皮肤的顾客。 Neutrogen因此而拥有一个相对较窄的目标市场,已经做到高度渗透,并拥有很高的顾客忠诚度。在90年代以前, Neutrogen是皮肤科医生的第一推荐品牌。但是20世纪90年代初期, Neutrogen公司被强生公司收购,新的管理团队来了,他们决定扩展业务。他们认为要增长业务,就必须转移针对敏感皮肤的需要,为此他们进行了广泛的宣传,从以皮肤科医生为目标的营销概念转变到大众市场电视广告和名人推荐上来,结果导致了灾难——Neutrogen失去了原有的市场份额。Neutrogen的失败是由于放弃了自己以前的优势,确定了错误的目标。新的管理者想要为Neutrogen找到最佳实现目标,结果把这家公司给毁了。 * * * * * 因为人力资源管理的思想以及工具和方法在中国水土不服吗?是我们的企业中人力资源管理专业人员太少,素质太低吗? 在企业领导者缺乏基本的现代人力资源管理理念,或者缺乏基本的领导能力的情况下,再好的人力资源管理理念、制度、政策体系以及工具和方法都只能是一种摆设。 * * Quadrant 1 - Directing Typically, when starting out with a new researcher, you may spend most of your time in this quadrant - directing them in the task ahead. You may do a lot of ‘telling in how to start managing their research, guiding them to the right places and in the right research approaches and so on. At this stage their motivation and enthusiasm is likely to be high, so they wont need much supportive behaviour - they need direction to get them started. ? Quadrant 2 - Coaching As your researcher becomes more familiar with their role and their work, communication is likely to become more two-way, and you may start seeking ideas and suggestions from them as to how they should progress. Your researcher may still need some direction, as they build up their experience, but they are also likely to need support and praise to build up their self-esteem. So, you will be showing both directive and supportive behaviour. ? Quadrant 3 - Supporting At this stage, your researcher is likely to have control of their task, and as much as possible, decision-making should be passed over to them. You may facilitate and take part in the decisions, b


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