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Unit 1 Does the tiger eat meat? It can climb the trees. It lives in China. Its fur(皮毛) is black and white. It likes to eat bamboo. What is it? Guess the names of the animals panda It lives in grassland. It likes to eat grass and leaves. It can jump high. It is from Australia. What is it ? kangaroo It likes to eat fish. Its color is white. It lives in Arctic. It’s a kind of bear. What is it? polar bear look and say a tiger a monkey a wolf elephants a giraffe lion a camel a kangaroo a panda a snake a polar bear a zebra Australia Australian Asia Asian Europe European Arctic Africa African America American Oceania Oceanian 澳大利亚 澳大利亚的 亚洲 亚洲的 欧洲 欧洲的 北极 非洲 非洲的 美国 美国的 大洋洲 大洋洲的 Read the words. n. adj. Asia Asian Africa African Oceania Oceanian America American Australia Australian Europe European India Indian Asia --- Asian Australia --- Australian America --- American Africa --- African Europe --- European Oceania --- Oceanian India --- Indian 亚洲 澳大利亚 美国,美洲 非洲 欧洲 大洋州 印度 an an an a an an an 写出复数 zoo kangaroo photo tomato knife wolf leaf giraffe monkey factory baby zoos kangaroos photos tomatoes knives wolves leaves giraffes monkeys factories babies Love me,love my________.[谚〕爱屋及乌。 He eats like a _______.他吃得很少。 Never offer to teach ______ to swim.不要班门弄斧。 You can take a ______ to water, but you can’t make him drink. 牵马到水易,逼马喝水难。(即使给某人机会,他也不一定利用)。 She’s always as busy as a _______.她总是忙忙碌碌。 dog bird fish horse bee 1. Wheres Daming? 2. Is there a panda in the zoo? He’s in Beijing Zoo . Yes, there is. Listen and answer Listen and complete animal hometown food Australia / the polar bear the Arctic the wolf Europe / the tiger meat China bamboo the kangaroo meat Asia the panda There are 7,000 animals in the zoo. □ The kangaroo lives in Europe. □ The polar bear lives in the Arctic. □ The polar bear comes from China. □ The tiger


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