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1. a. Hearing the news, tears ran down her face. b. Hearing the news, she cried out sadly. 2. a. Entering the classroom, I found nobody in it. b. Entering the classroom, nobody was found in it. 3. a. Looking out through the window, the garden was beautiful. b. Looking out through the window, we saw a beautiful garden. 4. a. Reading the evening newspaper, a dog started barking. b. I was reading the evening newspaper when a dog started barking. 5. a. Being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week. b. It being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week. 1. Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus ____ the delay. A. to cause B. causing C. caused D. cause 2. One by one Peter sold his bits and pieces, ____ only a mite of their worth. A. getting B. got C. to get D. get 3. After seeing the movie, _____. A. the book was read by him B. the book made him want to read it C. he wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested him The people sitting behind us are all teachers. The expert coming from Huai’an is a lady called Ms Cai. 现在分词作定语表示__________的动作,过去分词表示______的动作。 沸水 开水 发展中国家 发达国家 正在升起的太阳 已升起的太阳 正落下的树叶 落叶 “使”动词的现在分词表示“______”,过去分词表示“______”。 a _______ trip a ______ look a ______ story the ______ audience the _____ work a ____ worker 过去分词除用来修饰人以外,还用来修饰表示神态的名词,说明主语的心理状态。 The robber said in a _________ voice, “Money or life?” The woman replied in a _________ voice, “I have no money. Don’t kill me, please.” (frighten) 分词作后置定语要么表示一个正在进行的动作,一个即将发生的动作,要么表示某个状态,或表示长久性特点。因此,如果不符合上述条件,不能使用现在分词,而应该用定语从句。 Try to finish the following exercises, using the -ing participle or the -ed participle: Try to finish the following exercises, using the -ing participle or the -ed participle: Combine each pair of sentences with the -ing / -ed participles. * * 1.人们避免在晚上喝咖啡的原因是它对身体的各部分有刺激的作用。 The reason why


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