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动词时态完成句子专项训练 1. Daniel’s family ________________________in Huangshan this time next week. (enjoy) 下周的这个时候,丹尼尔一家人将在黄山享受他们的假期。 2. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _____ ______________. (take) 约翰被给予他父亲以及他的祖父曾带到学校的手提箱。 3. —I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul _____________. (break) —So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. —我很惊奇地听说Sue和Paul已经分手了。 —我也一样为此惊奇。上次我见到他们时,他们在一起似乎很快乐。 4. It is reported that the police _______________________ of two missing children. (look) 据报道警方不久将调查两个孩子失踪的案件。 5. This is the first time we ______________ in the cinema together as a family. (see) 这是第一次我们一家人在一起看一场电影。 will be enjoying their holiday had taken to school have broken up will soon look into the case have seen a film 6. —Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. —How nice! You _________________ a different culture at that time. (experience) —你猜怎么着。我们得到了今年暑假到英国作短期旅行的签证。 —多好啊!那时你将在体验一种不同的文化。 7. When you are home, give a call to let me know you _______________. (arrive) 当你到家时,请给我打个电话以让我知道你已经安全到达。 8. I had wanted to help you but I was not able to spare any time. I _________________ last night and I’ll finish it tonight.(write) 我原打算帮你,但我抽不出时间。昨晚我在写一篇论文,并且 我将于今晚把它写完。 9. They intend to go on with the experiment until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, and by then they ____________________ for 22 hours. (work) 他们打算做实验到明天上午10点钟,到那时他们将已工作了22 小时。 will be experiencing have arrived safely was writing an essay will have been working 10. I __________ over the Pacific Ocean this time the day after tomorrow. (fly) 后天的这个时候,我将飞行在太平洋上空。 11. It is high time that _____________-____________________ the coming harvest season. (get) 是我们该为下一年的收获季节作好一切准备的时候了。 12. It was th


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