人教版必修5 unit 4 Making the news.ppt

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人教版必修5 unit 4 Making the news

13. Would it be possible to make an_____ in advance for having my hair cut tomorrow? A. appointment B. arrangement C. schedule D. engagement 解析:选A。考查名词辨析。appointment约会;预约;arrangement排列,安排;schedule时间表;进度表;engagement婚约;诺言。句意为:我可不可以提前预约明天来理发? 14. Children need many things._____ , they need love. A. After all B. First of all C. Last of all D. At last 解析:选B。根据句意,“爱”是“需要的很多东西”中最重要的,因此选first of all。 15. In_____ and the lesson began. A. the teacher came B. the teacher coming C. came the teacher D. did the teacher come 解析:选C。以out,in,up,down,away等副词开头的句子用完全倒装语序。 * 假定你是李华,在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grown-up的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助, 请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回贴。 (2009·陕西) 写作要点: 1. 告诉Grown-up要理解母亲; 2. 给Grown-up提出解决问题的具体建议。 要求:1. 短文词数不少于80; 2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯; 3. 书写须清晰、工整。 范文背诵 Hi, Grown-up, As a student of your age, I understand your situation. The problem of you are facing is common among our teenagers. However, it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings. Here are a few suggestions. First, it’s advisable to talk more with your mother. Heart-to-heart talks help you understand each other better. They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas and attitudes towards many things. Second, you should learn to do your own things well, proving to your mom that you are already a “Grown-up”. It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking. 句型背诵 ①...it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings. ②It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking. 1. _____ n.照片; vt. 给……照相→ _____ n.摄影师 2. _____ n.职业;专业 → _____ adj.专业的;职业的;n.专业人员 3. _____ n.同事 4. _____ adj.渴望的;热切的 5. _____ vt. 集中;聚集→ _____ adj.集中的;紧张的;加强的 → _____ n. 集中;专心 6. _____ vt.获得;取得;学到→ _____ adj. 已获得的;已成习惯的 → _____ adj.可得到的;可获得的 7. _____ vt.指责;谴责;控告 8. _____ adv. 故意地→ _____ adj. 故意的 9. _____ adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的→ _____ n. 罪行


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