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1) He said , “I’m going to Beijing.” Unit 1 Friendship add up: add up to: add to: add A to B: 1.add 把……加起来 总共是,总计是 使增加,使扩大 增加,添加A到B中 1)_________all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. 2) All the numbers ___________exactly 900. 3) The bad weather only _________ our difficulties. 4) Don’t ______ fuel ______ the flames. Add up add up to added to add to 2. upset v. 扰乱,使不安,使心烦 disturb adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的 disturbed, annoyed He was upset at not being invited. The bad news upset the boy’s mother. 4. calm: v. 使平静,使镇静 adj. 沉着的,风平浪静的 Have some brandy, it’ll calm your nerves. Now keep calm everyone, the police are on their way. calm…down: 冷静下来 He took a few breaths to calm himself down. calm:  quiet:  silent:  still:  没有干扰的安静;无动静 镇定的 静止不动 寂静;沉默不语 选用quiet; calm; silent; still填空 1) Let’s go and _________ your angry brother down. 2) They moved to the countryside and lived a ___________ life. 3) I prefer ___________ reading to reading aloud. 4) You should keep ___________ while I take a photo of you. calm quiet silent still 5.be concerned 1)We are all concerned about / for her safety. be concerned about / for关心,担心 7.?go through 经历; 仔细检查;完成; She went through two world wars. The police went through every room of the building. 13.?do sth on purpose I think she lost the key on purpose. do sth with/ for the purpose of… He took along one of his pictures with the purpose of finding a job. He went to Shanghai for the purpose of looking for a better job. 反义词组:by chance; by accident 偶然 = He went to town in order that he could sell the painting. 14. in order to = so as to He went to town in order to sell the painting. In order to + 动词短语原型 in order that +从句 15. much too + adj/ adv too much (+ un) = more than enough The dress is _______ long for me. There is very little room in the house because it has far________ furniture. It’s _________hot. I have _________ homework to do, so I have no time to go there much too mu



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