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* cheer on grow up in the future be good at .. take part in … =join in / be in … be good for … all over the day after tomorrow leave for 为……加油 长大成人,成长 将来 擅长于……的 参加,加入 对……有益 到处,遍及 后天 动身去某地 be famous for… be famous as … fall ill do well in … give sb. a hand shout at sb. do one’s best come into being talk about at first 以……而闻名 当作……而出名 生病,患病,病倒 在某方面做得好 帮某人一个忙 斥责(某人) 尽(某人)最大努力 形成,产生 谈论;讨论 起初,起先 be angry with sb. be angry at/about sth. prefer … to … join in … decide to do sth. play for a team in / on a team a good way to keep fit 生某人的气 因某事而生气 和……相比更喜欢…… 参加(某项活动) 决定做某事 为某队效力 在某队 保持健康的一个好方法 for example such as at least at the beginning of… be able to … regard … as … have a cold have the flu take / have medicine day and night 例如,举例 比如,例如 至少,不少于 在……之初 能,会 把……视为…… 患感冒 得流感 吃药,服药 日日夜夜 lie down take care of look after worry about in surprise to one’s surprise force sb. to do sth. in fact do harm to sb. go ahead 躺下 照顾,关心 照顾,照看 担心,烦恼,担忧 吃惊地,惊奇地 使某人吃惊的是 迫使某人做事 事实上,实际上 对某人有害 (经某人允许)开始 as … as possible as … as sb. can prevent…from… stop … from … keep … from … build sb. up on the other hand instead of be interested in be fond of … 尽量……地 尽可能……地 阻止某人做某事 增强某人的体质 另一方面 代替 对……感兴趣 喜欢…… take a shower agree with sb. in a low voice match … with … wake up build sb. up make faces thousands of die out protect…from… 洗淋浴 同意某人的意见 低声地,小声地 把……和……相配 醒来;叫醒某人 增强某人的体质 做鬼脸 成千上万,几千 灭绝;消失 保护…不受…伤害 feed on … less and less in danger calm down look up lose oneself in for the better face to face neck and neck 以……为食 越来越少 处于危险状态 平静下来,镇定下来 仰望;查找,查阅 沉迷于…… 好转 向着较好的情况(转变) 面对面 齐头并进 hand in hand back to back look out of… more and more beautiful more than think of … think about stop to do sth. stop doing sth. 手拉手 背靠背 向……外看 越来越漂亮 多于,超过=over 想起,对…有想法 考虑,思考 停下来去做某事 停止做某事 too … to … in the 1990s look o


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