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American Gothic —A Famous Symbols of American Culture 《American Gothic》 Who are they? Then separately from the sister he invited his dentist Dr. Byron McKeeby to pose for the man in the painting. He pictured the two as a farmer and his daughter, and he used the pitchfork to represent the farming. The shape of the pitchfork also was used to emphasize the ovalness of the farmers’ faces. EVALUATION(评价) With the onset of the Great Depression, it came to be seen as a depiction of steadfast American pioneer spirit.随着大萧条的来临,它来作为美国的坚定的拓荒者精神的写照。 Another reading is that it is an ambiguous fusion of reverence and parody.另一种解读是,它是一个模糊的崇敬和模仿融合。 But some art critics accused the painting is “insulting cartoons of ordinary rural people ”. 一些艺术评论家指责,画的是“普通的农村人的侮辱漫画”. Gothic literature Most of Gothic literature include the terrorist ranks of literature and fantasy novels.(包括文学和幻想小说的恐怖行列。) Their main topics are death(死亡), ghost(神鬼), reasoning(推理), massacre(血案), etc. Most of them have a strong color of terror(恐怖). Gothic literature Harry Potter Some banks Gothic Painting Stained-glass windows(彩绘玻璃) 美国的凯尼恩学院 * * It is one of the most famous paintings in American art, and one of the few images to reach the status of universally recognised cultural icon, comparable to Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa and Edvard Munchs The Scream. Art Institute of Chicago Location Oil on beaverboard Type 1930 Year Grant Wood Artist 他请他62岁的牙医和他30岁的妹妹作为画中人物的模特。(并让他们穿上19世纪维多利亚时期的衣服。) 他描绘成一个农民和他的女儿,他用叉子代表农业。 虽然在画中两人是站在一块的,但实际上这两个人物是在不同的场合下完成的。) An old conservative man is standing on the left of the picture. On his emotionless face are glasses, through which his dull eyes are observing the modern world. 一个老保守的人是站在左边的图片。在他感情的脸的眼镜,他目光呆滞,通过它观察现代世界。 On his overalls has stitching which looks like a shadow of pitchfork which is gripped in his hand and standing in front of his body. Both of the two “forks’’ are protecting his traditional world. 他的工作服拼接,看起来像一个叉子的阴影笼罩在他的身体面前。都是两个“


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