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(一)定语从句专项讲解; ;9.adv及其短语:a village nearby。 10.定语从句;1.关系词;1.2关系限定词(relative determiner),即代替先行项在从句中作定语的关系词,只有whose和which。例如: The woman whose umbrella you took is very angry. It stromed all day, during which time the ship broke up. ;1.3 关系副词(relative adverb),即代替先行项在从句中作状语的关系词。常用的有when,where,why等.例如: ?This is the school where I am going to work. ?The reason why he failed is still obscure. ?Peter always comes on those days when I am busy.;2.定语从句的种类;2) 限制性定语从句的先行项指部分,非限制性定语从句的先行项指全部。例如: His aunt who lives in California came to visit him recently. His aunt, who lives in California came to visit him recently. ;2.2 定语从句根据结构可以分为: 1)简单定语从句(简单句构成的定语从句): The man you saw right now is our headmaster. 2)并列定语从句(两个或更多定语从句并列修饰一个先行项): Miss Li, who knows English and French but who does not know Chinese, has great difficulty in studying Chinese literature. ;3)多重定语从句(两个或更多定语从句重叠修饰一个先行项): There is no man on earth who knows him that does not respect him. 4)复合定语从句(复合句用作定语从句,即定语从句还带有其他从句): John, who I rememeber was good in high school, didnt do so well in college. 补充:复合句即含有一个或更多从句(从属的主谓结构)的句子 This is where she was born.;3.关系词的选择;(3)关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,若介词位于从句句尾,可以用who(m)/that指人,用which/that指物,都可以省去;若介词位于从句句首,只能用whom指人,which指物,不能省去。 The man (that/who/whom) I bought it from told me to oil it. The man from whom I bought it told me to oil it.;(4)一般只用that的情况: ?先行项是指物的不定代词all,little,much,none,something,anything,everything等时。(例句自己想) ?先行项被不定限定词any,every,all,no等修饰时(eg:) ?先行项被最高级形容词修饰时 ?先行项被表示顺序的序数词和last,next修饰或被表示唯一性或强调的形容词only,(the)very等修饰时 ;?先行项指人而在从句中做表语或补语时,例如: Thomas isnt the hero that I thought he was. I am not the fool that you thought me. ?先行项是既指人又指物的名词短语时,例如: The heroes and their deeds that he describes are familiar to us. (注意回顾familiar的用法) ?先行项是疑问代词who、which时 eg:Who that have worked with him do not like him?;?存在句中用作定语从句时,that几乎总是省去 例如: We want the best (that) there is. This is the best book (that) there is on this subject. 补充: 存在句:there be + np(名词词组)+place that在存在句中作主语 There is everything go


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