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英语说明文 的段落及拓展 类比法(Analogy) 类比法(Analogy): 以比较熟悉的事物比喻说明一个比较抽象复杂的概念或事物,有助于读者的理解。 辩论法(Argument) 论证某一正确的观点、看法和主张或者是批驳某一错误的观点、看法和主张的文章。辩论的目的是阐述思想,说服读者,使其接受自己的观点和主张。 因果法(Cause and Effect) 因果法的特点是按事物的因果关系来论证和说明文章的中心思想。次序上可先因后果,即:先陈述原因后陈述结果;也可以先果后因,即先陈述结果后陈述原因。可以是一因一果,也可以是一因多果,还可以是因果链锁反应,即前面的果成为后面的因。 Application (Does and Don’ts) Make sure that you have sufficient evidence. If you cannot make definitive statements, then qualify your remarks with words like usually, possibly, it seems, apparently, probably, and the like. Do not ignore second and third causes. For instance, a successful fisherman who gets results (“effects”) is successful for many causes, not just because he’s using a brand name reel. Suggested topics The causes of failure Reasons for changing majors Our dropout problem The effects of racism Effects of budget cuts on education Why __ was defeated 分类法(Classification) 当所述事物关系复杂,就可用分类的方法是相关事物成为一体。进行分类是保持文章连贯性的好方法。分类时必须注意用统一标准,不能混用不同标准。 Application (Does and Don’ts) Narrow your topic. For instance, rather than write about “College Teachers,” limit your paper to three or four kinds of teachers. If you are to write about only two classes, choose the Compare/Contrast method. 3. If it is a personal classification, use a logical divisions. Use a separate paragraph for each division of your classification. Use the logical approach---chronological, increasing or decreasing importance, causal relationship, and so on---that best fits your topic. (If is a traditional classification, you are careful not to plagiarize. That is, you are permitted to use textbook classification, but not the author’s words or sentences unless you use quotation.) 4.Don’t overlap classifications. That is, make sure that a thing belonging to one class does not also belong to another class. (For instance, if you classify automobiles as Imported, Expensive, and Economical, you will find that some automobiles belong to more than one class.) 比较与对比法(Compare and Contrast) 比较(compare)用于指出


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