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Unit Four Enquiries and Replies Enquiry(price,discounts,terms of payment,delivery date) Offer Count-offer Acceptance First Enquiry Letter 1 1.details of …的细节 2.various adj.不同的,各种各样的 variety n. 各种各样的,变化 a variety of 各种不同的,种种 As we handle a large variety of chemicals, we cannot offer without specific.由于我们经营的化工产品种类甚多,没有具体的询盘无法报盘。 3.dealer 商人 businessman, merchant, merchandiser 商人 4.a promising market 有前途的市场 prospective adj. 有希望的,预期的 5.moderately priced goods 适度定价(价格适中)的产品 (1)price n.价格,价钱 v.①给…定价,给…标价 The car is priced at US$50.00. 这辆车定价US$50.00 ②询问或查明…的价格 price the different hotels 询问不同旅馆的价格 (2)moderate adj. 中等的,适度的 moderate inflation 适度通胀 moderate price 价格适中,相近的词有reasonable,workable. (3)goods 货物 ①article一般指单个的物品,而不是一类商品 ②goods 统指货物,最常用,不能和数词连用 ③cargo船货,跟装运有关的词可用,商店中的货物不用cargo ④commodity 较正式的经济学用语,通常指大范围商品。可数 ⑤merchandise 泛指商品,不特指,无复数形式,不可在前加 不定冠词 ⑥product通常指农产品或自然产品 6.state 说明,可换用indicate 7.terms of payment 支付条件 8.discount you would allow on… 你可以提供的…的折扣 9.individual items 单项商品 (1)用作商品时,item指(具体的)商品 (2) individual adj. 个人的,个别的,单独的,n.个人,个体 10.quote v. 报价 quote (sb) a price (at …)for sth. Please quote your lowest price. Please quote us the price for Printed Shirting. I quote you a price at US$10.00/pc CIF London for the jacket. 11.item n. 项目,条款,(商品的)品种,款项 ?We are working on the other items and will inform you as soon as possible.其他项目正在进行,将尽早告知。 There are several items of commission not yet paid. ?有几笔佣金,尚未付清。 This is the best selling item in this line. 这是这类商品中最畅销的品种。 Item Two of the agency agreement should be altered as… 代理协议的第二项应改为…… 12.insurance and freight 保险和运费 freight prepaid 运费已付 CIF/CFR freight to collect 运费到付 FOB Letter 2 1.illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for 你所要求的具有详细内容的附图目录和价格单 illustrate vi.举例说明 vt.(用图或例子等)说明,阐明,用插图装饰 2.by separate post 另封邮寄 与enclose相对 under separa


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