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第8 卷 第1 期 山东商业职业技术学院学报 Vol . 8 No. 1 2008 年2 月 Journal of Sh andong Institute of Comm erce and Technology Feb . 2008 重农抑商制度 实质与影响 1 2 徐小 恒, 徐振 宇 ( 1. 中国社会科学院研究生院财贸系, 北京 100102; 2. 北京工商大学经 学院经 学教研室, 北京 100037 ) 重农抑商制度有着深刻的历史根源, 中国在近两千年的历史中处于世界经 发展的一流水平, 然而 却在二百年间迅速落伍与其有密切关系本文通过对重农抑商制度的深刻分析, 指出该制度的实质是为了获取垄 断经 利益, 抑商 的结果并没有起到 重农 的作用, 反而成为中国农业落后的制度和意识形态原因之一 重农抑商; 意识形态; 制度 F091. 1 A 167 1- 4385( 2008) 01- 005 - 03 The System of Attaching Great Importance to Agriculture and Restraining Commerce Essence and Effect 1 2 XU Xiao- heng , XU Zhen- yu ( 1. Department of Finance and T rade, Graduate School, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100 102, China ; 2. College of Economy , Beijing Industrial and Commercial University, Beijing 100037, China) Abstract There are profound historical roots for the system of attaching great importance to agriculture and restraining commerce. China has being ranking at the top of the world economy for about 2000 years while dropping behind in 200 years, it is part ially due to the system . By analyzing the system of attaching great importance to agriculture and restraining commerce , w e find the essential purpose of the system is to monopolize economic advantage, restraining commerce didn! tattach great importance to agriculture , instead , it w as one of the institutional and ideological reasons for Chinese agriculture getting behind. Key words the system of attaching great importance to agriculture and restraining commerce


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