劳动经济学Multiple Choice Quiz of labor economics.doc

劳动经济学Multiple Choice Quiz of labor economics.doc

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劳动经济学Multiple Choice Quiz of labor economics

Chapter 1 Introduction ?Normative economics analyzes( 4 ) 1.What is. 2.What may be. 3.What will never be. 4.What should be. ?What is the most all-pervasive assumption underlying economic theory?( 4 ) 1.Equilibrium. 2.That individuals’ tastes and preferences are unchanging. 3.That workers are necessarily exploited in a capitalist(资本主义的)system. 4.Scarcity. ?When analyzing persons, economists consider a persons primary objective to be( 4 ) 1.Possession (财产) maximization. 2.Profit maximization. 3.Wallowing in self-pity(自怜, 自哀). 4.Utility maximization ?Pareto Efficiency implies that( 4 ) 1.Nobody acts as a free rider for public goods. 2.All firms are maximizing their production costs. 3.It is impossible for firms to produce at full capacity in the presence of government intervention. 4.All mutually-beneficial tran sactions have been completed. ?Which of the following could not be a public good?( 2 ) 1.An interstate highway(州际公路). 2.A baseball glove(棒球手套). 3.A beach (海滩). 4.National defense. ?Which of the following is not an example of market failure?( 4 ) 1.Nonexistence of markets. 2.Price distortions. 3.Ignorance. 4.Perfect information ?In the equation, L = 50 + 0.3W, the slope of the line is( 1 ) 1.+0.3 2.Indeterminate(不确定的, 模糊的), because we do not know the value of W. 3.50 4.-0. 3 ?One way a transaction can be unanimously(全体一致地,无异议地)supported is when( 3 ) 1.Joe wins but Sue loses. 2.Some gain and some lose from the transaction; however the gainers do not fully compensate the losers. 3.All parties affected by the transaction gain. 4.All parties affected by the transaction lose. ?One’s working conditions other than(不同于, 除了)their wage are known as ( 3 ) 1.Slavery(束缚)factors. 2.Monetary factors. 3.Nonpecuniary(非金钱的)factors. 4.Product market factors. Chapter 2:The Labor Market ?When a formal set of rules and procedures guides and constrains the employment relationship within a firm, what type of labor market is said to exist?( 1 ) 1.An internal labor m


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