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* Non-finite Verbs 非谓语动词 例1. ___ makes me happy to find the key. A. That B. It C. What D. Whether B 解析:不定式做主语,常用“it”作为形式主语放于句首,常见句型有it is adj. (for sb.) to do sth. 但是强调当形容词与人的品性有关是 改 for 为 of. e.g. It is nice of you to say so. It 也可充当形式宾语使用。 例2. I’ve work with children before, so I know what ___ in my job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects B 解析:该题考查疑问+不定式在句中做宾语的用法。英语中有一些动词 后可以跟一个疑问词的不定式做宾语,如: tell, discuss, know, show, learn, decide, wonder, explain… 例3. You are the third one _______ the room. A. to enter B. entering C. entered D.enter A 解析:不定式做定语时为后置定语,常常修饰代词anything/something/noting,名词 way/chance/ opportunity等 或由序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词。 注意:I need a pen to write with.(不及物动词要加介词) 例4. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____ it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make. B 解析:因为主语是the purpose,在(purpose, wish, promise, plan)后常跟不定式,故表语要用不定式,to不能省略,因此构成the purpose is to…not to…do 句型,故选B 。 在大多数的动词可接不定式短语做宾补,只有少数动词(五个看see,watch,notice, observe,look at;三使役make,let, have;二听listen to,hear等)须接不带to 的不定式做宾补,但变为被动态后to不可省略。 例5.You are not allowed _____ the books out. A. taking B. to taken C. take D. to take D 解析:allow 的用法可见allow sb. to do和 allow doing sth. 当被改为被动态时,为sb. be allowed to do. 重点一:不定式在句中的作用 不定式: 主,谓, 宾,定, 状, 表,补 √ √ √ √ √ √ 1.不定式作主语: 不定式句中作主语, 多数情 况下用 it 作形式主语,将不定式后置。例如: To tell a lie is wrong. = It is wrong to tell a lie.说谎是错误的。 应邀到这儿来很荣幸。 To be invited here is an honor. = It is an honor to be invited here. 动词take, cost, require, make等也可用上述结构。 步行到那儿要20分钟。 It takes twenty minutes to walk there. 坐飞机去日本花费大约500元。 It costs about five hundred dollars to fly to Japan. 在 it 作形式主语的结构中, 常用 for + 名词 / 代词 作不定式的逻辑主语。例如: 对于他掌握演说艺术是不可能的. It is impossible for him to master the art of speaking. It is not right for them to stop halfway. 他们半途而废是不对的。 It + be + 形容词 + of + 名词或代词 + to不定式, 常用形容词表示不定式逻辑主语的特征: foolish, clever, stupid, nice, kind, rude, careless 等。 你这么说太好


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