古希腊建筑——宙斯神像zhous statu介绍中英文版.ppt

古希腊建筑——宙斯神像zhous statu介绍中英文版.ppt

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古希腊建筑——宙斯神像zhous statu介绍中英文版

宙斯是希腊神话中第三代神王,是奥林匹斯山的统治者,掌管天界。 Zeus is the third-generation God-King of Greece mythology, who was the ruler of Mount Olympus and in charge of heaven. 宙斯的经典绘图 他以雷电为武器,维持着天地间的秩序,公牛和鹰是他的标志。He used lightning as weapons to take control of the world. Bull and Eagle was his signature. 电影《诸神之战》中宙斯的形象 宙斯是克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,乌拉诺斯和盖亚之孙。 Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rhea. 手持霹雳的宙斯 奥林匹亚建有宙斯神庙,每4年举行一次盛大的祭祀性竞技会。 In Olympia there was a temple of Zeus.Every 4 years a big sacrifical game held there. Temple of Zeus, Temple of Zeus, Temple of Zeus is in accordance with Ionian style 宙斯神庙是按照伊奥尼亚风 伊奥尼亚群岛 主要有7大岛;由北至南排列如下: 克基拉岛(又按英语音译为“科孚岛”) 帕克西岛 莱夫卡斯岛 伊萨基岛(又按英语音译为“伊萨卡岛”) 凯法利尼亚岛 基西拉岛 扎金索斯岛 Gelu Temple of Zeus and Hadrian‘s arch, Temple of Zeus, located in the South, while Hadrian’s arch is located in the North.宙斯神庙和哈德良拱门隔路相望,宙斯神庙位于路南,而哈德良拱门则位于路北 Hadrians arch 哈德良拱门 On his head is a sculpted wreath of olive sprays. In his right hand …… 在宙斯的右手上有一座小的戴着皇冠的尼刻-神话中的胜利女神 …… Although the statue had disappeared from the world, but he has so far still in another way, great face into the Orthodox Church of Christ Almighty Zeus.对后世的影响:虽然宙斯神像已消失于世上,但他却以另一方式至今犹存,伟大的宙斯脸孔了变成东正教的全能基督像。 Temple of Zeus 宙斯神庙


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