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39 12 Vol. 39 No. 12 2009 12 PA INT COAT INGS INDUSTRY D c. 2009 王一建, 钟金环, 黄 乐, 施国颖 (杭州五源科技实业有限公司表面工程研究所, 杭州310030) : , , , , : ; ; ; ; ; ; : TQ 6391 1 : A : 0253- 4312( 2009) 12- 0024- 04 Overview and Prospect of Pretreatment Technologies Before Coating forM etal Parts W ang Y ijian, Zhong Jinhuan, Huang L , Shi Guoy ing (S urf ace E ng ineering Institute, H angzhou P enta tom ic Sc i- Tech Ind ustrial Co. L td, H angzhou 310030, Ch ina ) Abstract:Th is articl has d scr ib d and analyz d th r lationship b wt n m tal surfac and coating ma- t rials bas on th corrosion m chan ism ofm tals, and it also gav th curr nt status of pr tr atm nt. It fur- th r d scrib d th prosp ctiv d v lopm nt of phosphat - fr and chrom ium - fr zircon ium - bas d pr - tr atm nt t chnologi s tr atm nt and silan tr atm nt, as w ll as th low - t mp ratur p lasm a tr atm nt t chnology. KeyWords: m tal surfac ; pr tr atm nt; m tal prot ction; phosphating; zirconium - bas d tr atm nt; s-i lan tr atm nt; plasma tr atm nt , 0 , 3 , , [ 1- 2] , , , , , , ( 1) : ( 1); ( 2) 1515 nm, [ 1] ; ( 3) ( 5 Lm ),


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