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Part 6 Societal Multilingualism 探讨多语社会的民族情感、政治、历史等各有关 因素和多语混用、洋泾浜英语和双语能力等表现形式 Multilingualism the use of three or more languages by an individual or by a group of speakers such as the inhabitants of a particular region or nation E.g some countries of West African, Malaysia, Singapore, and Israel Multilingual a person who knows and uses three or more languages. Usually, a multilingual does not know all the language equally well. e.g. one language at home, one at work, and one for shopping; use each language for different communicative purposes, e.g. one language for talking about science, one for religious purposes, and one for personal feelings. Reasons for Multilingualism Three, namely migration, conquest and intermarriage. As bilingualism, multilingualism tends to exist in many domains. People tend to use different languages in different domains The number of languages spoken in newly formed multilingual society may reduce after a long period of assimilation. Take the US, the melting pot as it is commonly called, as example. Historically multilingual communities evolve in a number of ways. a) the involuntary movements (p. 52 in Middle East) b) voluntary migration (e.g. in the USA), c) migration from the countryside or from the small towns to the large metropolitan cities; d) the conquest and the subsequent incorporation into a single unit (e.g. Russian empire); e) colonial policies; Results of Multilingualism 1 Language contact: the situation where two or more languages are brought into contact by bilingualism 2 language conflict: situation where two or more languages compete for status 3 language maintainace: a situation where speakers continue to use language even when there is a new language available 4 language shift :changes in the degree of functional use from one language to another 总得来说,散杂区的人比聚居区的人更容出现语言转用现象;在城镇、交通发达的地区的人比在牧区、山区交通不便的地区更容易出现;年轻人比老年人更容易出现;男人尤其经常外出的男人比女性更容易出现;文化程度较高的人比文化程度较低的人更容易等。 语言转用必然会经历双语阶段,才会自然过渡不出现中断。


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