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帝秀女性网 hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ddiixxiiuu..ccoomm 金融英语阅读:利息和利率_英语题库 Interest is a reward which is paid by the borrower to the lender for a loan. It always coexists with credit. Where there is Credit, there should be interest. 利息是借款人因使用贷款而支付给贷款人的报酬,它总是与信用相伴而生。哪里有信用, 哪里就有利息。 Banks in China charge the state-owned enterprises, collective economicfirmsandforeigninvestmentcompanieswithinterestforgrantingloans to them. On the other hand, banks pay interest to enterprise deposits and individualsavings. 中国的银行向国有企业、集体经济实体和外商投资公司提供 贷款,并收取利息。另一方面,银行向企业存款和个人储蓄支付利息。 Interestrate, that is the ratio between the amount of the interest and that of the capital of a deposit or a loan in a certain period usually expressed in percent per annum, is formulated in China by the government according to the states economic policies and the need of accumulation of funds. It is put under the centralized and unified management by the Peoples Bank of China. All the specialized banks and other financial institutions have to implement the interest rate stipulated by the State Council. An appropriate interest rate is always regarded as one of the effective levers in the national economic activities. 利率是在一定时 期内利息金额与存款或贷款本金金额的比率,通常按年以百分比表示,它是根据国家经 济政策和积累资金的需要由政府统一制订的,由中国人民银行集中统一管理。所有专业 银行和其他金融机构必须执行国务院制订的利率。一个适当的利率常常被看作是国民经 济活动中有力的杠杆之一。 The interest rate of banks loan ishigher than that of deposit or savings. The balance between them is commonly called interest difference, which is the primary source of banks income. 银行贷款的利率 高于存款或储蓄的利率。存贷款之间的差额通常被称为利差,是银行收入的主要来源。 帝秀女性网


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