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第七章 句子成分的强调手段 §7.1 强调句型 先做下面一个改错题: It is in 1984 which China launched her first comsat(通讯卫星). 1、句型: +被强调的成分 + that [which; who] + … It is was 主语 宾语 状语 介词宾语 注:① “be”的形式还可以是“has been;will be;may be;must be;must have been”等。 §7.1 强调句型 ② “状语”可以是“副词;介词短语;状语从句;不定式(目的)”。 ③ “that”一般可用于强调任何东西;“which”只能用于强调事物的主、宾、介宾;“who”只能用于强调人的主语;强调介宾时,可用“介词+which [whom]”或用“that [which; who] ……+介词(在句尾)”。 §7.1 强调句型 2、译法 (1)一般译成“正是★;是★;就是;只是”。 (2)当强调疑问词、连接代词、连接副词时,要译成“到底;究竟”。 §7.1 强调句型 3、例句 It is when an object is heated that the average speed of molecules(分子)is increased. It was Faraday who first discovered electromagnetic induction(电磁感应). §7.1 强调句型 When an electron and a proton(质子)attract each other, it will be the tiny(微小的)electron that will do most of the actual(实际的)moving. It is the nurse(护士)with whom the patients(病人)spend most of the time in a ward room(病房). It is not clear yet why it is that this is so. §7.1 强调句型 Fig. 1 – 3 shows how it is that a coil of wire(导线圈)induces(感应)a current in another coil when the current in it is turned on or off. ***Computer software has become a driving force. It is the engine(发动机)that drives(推动) business decision making(商务决策). §7.1 强调句型 ***P = 1.5 P when m =1. This is important because it is the maximum power that relevant(有关的)amplifiers(放大器)must be capable of handling(处理)without distortion(失真). §7.1 强调句型 1、“助动词‘do (does, did)’+ 动词原形”→ 译成“的确★;确实★;一定;真的;务必” β does vary with temperature. Mathematical analysis shows that these methods do work, but it is not clear yet under what conditions it is that they may be used. §7. 2 利用某些词汇来强调某些成分 (There does exist a generation gap(代沟)between parents and children.) The current starts to flow at the very moment the circuit is closed. 2、“形容词’very’ + 名词”→ 译成“就★;正;最;一” §7. 2 利用某些词汇来强调某些成分 The alternating current is the ve


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