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重点词汇和短语 1.Able /ability/ enable/ capable/ be able to do能够 Be able to do sth./ be capable of doing sth. Jenney is a capable teacher. He is able to read and write in English. capacity: (物) 容纳能力;(人)潜在能力,接受能力 It is a hall with a seating capacity of 1,000. disabled: the disabled 残疾人(集合用法,视为复数) The disabled need more care from the society. 2. absent 反义词:present He is often absent from school. 今天谁缺席了? Who is absent today? All the students are present. 名词 absence / presence He felt shy in the presence of ladies. Who came in my absence? 动词 present 呈现,介绍,引见 / 名词: 礼物 Mr. Smith, may I present Mr. White? Abroad国外,海外: live ~ go ~ study abroad, travel abroad board: on board ( a ship, a plane, a bus) board 名词 :a 木板: a bulletin/ notice board 布告牌 b. 伙食 Did you pay for room and board( 食宿费)? c. 委员会,董事会 a school board 学校董事会 aboard: Welcome aboard / go aboard ( a ship ) 搭乘 Access: 入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to something. 【重要考点】 All students have free access to the computer lab. accessible( to) : 易达到的,易接近的 Our principal is accessible to the students.( …容易和学生亲近) . Absorb 吸收 be absorbed in全神贯注于… Black cloth absorbs light. absorb knowledge All the students are absorbed in Professor’s lecture on China’s economy. be lost in He was lost in thought( the novel). 6. Accept接受, 同意,认可 receive收到(不一定接受) acceptance 名词 receive:还可表示“受到教育,惩罚,支持”和 “接待客人” 等 He received his education in the United States. The hotel receive foreign tourists. By accident=by chance 偶然地 on purpose 故意地 I met her by accident in a crowded bus. I’m afraid Anna did it on purpose. 形容词:accidental : an accidental death 意外死亡 accident: a事故,灾难; traffic accident b. 偶然,意外 My meeting her at the gas station was a pure accident. 8. according to 根据 According to the article, environmental pollution has been taken under control. accordingly 相应地,按照; 因此,所以( therefore) These are the rules. Please act accordingly. 9. take… into account=take… into consideration 把…考虑在内 I hope my teacher will take into account my illnes


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