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广州涉外经济职业技术学院 Guangzhou International Economics College 毕业论文(设计) Graduation Paper 题目:关于中国动画的历史与发展探讨 二级学院:            年级班级:         学生姓名:             学生学号:           指导老师:            完成日期:     年 月日    摘 要 中国的动画出现在距今80年前,相对来说也是有很长的一段历史了。1926年中国摄制了第一部动画片《大闹画室》,揭开了中国动画历史的第一页。随后,中国的国画片也在稳步地发张着。1935年,中国第一部有声电影《骆驼献舞》问世;1941年第一部大型长篇动画《铁扇公主》出现,标志着中国当时的动画水平接近世界的领先水品。 经过了这80多年的发展,现在的中国动画有是一个怎样的水品呢?它在中国的众多产业当中有是一个怎样的境地呢?本文作者是非常热爱动画的,但我接触的第一部动画片却不是中国动画,我第一部接触的动画师日本的《七龙珠》。我也相信,许多的中国朋友,他们所接触的第一部动画片都是外国的。为什么当今的中国动画片这么的不被人熟知呢?当年起步那么好的中国动画,是遇到了什么的困难呢?现在的中国动画和国外先进的动画水平又有什么差距呢? 握对我的疑问,我自己的见解,以视频的方式来述说,MV中会出现中国历年来比较成功的动画作品,随着时间的过去来看它的发展,还有和国外比较先进的动画的对比。片中也会有我个人的见解。整个MV是用AE和PR来共同完成的,虽然我的技术笨拙,但希望能透过本片来引出大家对中国动漫未来发展的期望的共鸣。 关键词:Chinas animation in about 80 years ago, there is a relatively long period of history。In 1926 China produced the first animated film Studio scene , in Chinese animation history of the first page。Subsequently, Chinas traditional Chinese painting are steadily on the hair with。In 1935, Chinas first sound film Dancing Camel ;In 1941 the first large-scale feature animation The Princess of Iron Fan , marks the Chinese animation level at that time close to the worlds leading water quality in 1941 the first large-scale feature animation The Princess of Iron Fan , marks the Chinese animation level close to the worlds leading water at that time。 After the 80 years of development, now Chinas animation is a what kind of water?It is among the many industry in China has a what?The writer is very love animation, but it is not a Chinese I contact the first cartoon animation, I first contact with the animator ragon Ball of Japan. I also believe that many Chinese friends, they are exposed to the first animated film are foreign. Why todays Chinese animation so not known? The start animation in China, as well as what is met difficulties? Now Chinas animation and foreign advanced level of cartoon and what is the difference? Hold to my question, my own opin



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