外研新标准八上英语 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 课件.ppt

外研新标准八上英语 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 课件.ppt

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外研新标准八上英语 Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1 课件

13. You just need to listen for key words and main ideas. ? ? 你们只需要听关键词和主要意思。 ·??基本用法 ? need 为实义动词,need to do sth.意为“需要做某事” ? You don’t need to do it again. ? 你没必要再做一遍了。 ? Mommy, you dont need to stay while we talk.? ? 妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着。? ? ?I get to know a lot about the world through reading. ? ? 我逐渐通过阅读了解了世界上的许多事情。 14. You just need to listen for key words and main idea. ? 你只需要听取关键词和大意。 ? key ?adj. 关键性的,非常重要的 ? The key factor to success is hard work. ? 成功的关键因素是努力工作。 key ?n. 钥匙,答案 ? the key to sth/doing sth ...的关键/答案 ? The key to success is to be ready from the start. ??成功的关键在于从一开始就要准备充分。?? 15.?I get to know a lot about the world through reading. ? ? 我逐渐通过阅读了解了世界上的许多事情。 ·??基本用法 ? 1) get to do sth 往往暗示一个较长的过程,含有“渐渐开始”之意,此时get后接的不定式通常为 to know,? ? to like, to?hate, to understand, to realize等表示心理感觉的动词。如:? ? The best way to get to know the city is to visit it on foot. ??要想了解这座城市,最好的方法是步行游览。 2) through=by:通过 16. I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。 agree with sb. 表示同意某人的看法、观点 agree on 对...达成协议; 对...取得一致意见。例如: We agree on the question. 我们在这个问题上意见一致。 17. write to somebody: 给某人写信 Useful phrases and expressions write down next to each other try to + v. 原形 can + v. 原形 should + v. 原形 Ready? What else? help… with … 写下 旁边 互相 努力做某事 能 应该 准备好了吗? 还有其他的吗? 帮忙…… 1. Excellent! 优秀的;棒极了! 2. That’s a good idea. 这是个好主意。 3. Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 4. Why don’t you + v. 原形 为什么你不做……呢? 5. How about + v.-ing ……怎么样呢? 6. It’s a good idea to + v. 原形 做……是个好主意。 5 Listen and mark the intonation. 1 We should always speak English in class. 2 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible. 3 Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? 4 It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud. 5 How about listening to the radio? Now listen again and repeat. 6 Work in pairs. Talk about problems in learning English and give advice. Problems I can’t … I don’t know… Advice How / what about…? Why not / don’t you…? -I can’t speak English well. What should I do? -


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