外研版2015年中考英语总复习 九年级下册 Modules 1-2课件.ppt

外研版2015年中考英语总复习 九年级下册 Modules 1-2课件.ppt

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外研版2015年中考英语总复习 九年级下册 Modules 1-2课件

英 语   九年级下册 Modules 1~2 1.flight (n.)fly(v.)飞行 2.succeed (v.)success(n.)successful(adj.)成功的 3.stupid (adj.)silly(同义词)笨的 4.our (pron.)ours(名词性物主代词) 5.pass (v.)fail(反义词)不及格 6.absent (adj.)present(反义词)出席的 7.Japan (n.)Japanese(n.)日本人 8.social (adj.)society(n.)社会 1.because of 因为;由于 2.as long as 只要 3.take care=be careful=look out 当心;小心 4.take off 脱去;起飞 5.fly direct to 直接飞到…… 6.succeed in doing 成功地做某事 7.take a tour to游览 8.say goodbye to sb.向某人告别 9.take the/ones seat 就座 10.change...with...和某人交换…… 11.offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 12.see sb. off 为某人送行 13.at more than twice the speed of sound 以超过声速两倍的速度 14.have a match with sb. 和某人比赛 15.wear a tie 系领带 16.in rows 排队 17.above all首先;最重要的是 18.decide for oneself 自己作决定 1.Its the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival. 因为春节,它成为中国最忙的季节。 2.The pilot succeeded in landing on time. 飞行员成功地按时着陆。 3.Theres nothing to worry as long as you work hard. 只要你努力就没有什么担心的。 4.Thats very good of you. 你真好。 5.Please have your tickets ready 请大家准备好车票。 6.I hope we can have a match with them. 我希望我们能和他们比赛。 7.I took a few photos myself. 我自己拍了一些照片。 8.Some English schools have swimming pools,but not all of them do. 一些英国的学校有游泳池,但并不是都有。 9.What do I like best about school? 我最喜欢学校的什么? 10.River School is a secondary school,about twenty minutes away from my home by bike. 里弗学校是一所中学,离我的家骑自行车大约20分钟。 11.Before class,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 上课前,我们的老师清查哪些学生到没到。 12.My marks in history and art werent so good,not both are my favorite subject. 我的历史和美术分数不那么好,因为它们都不是我最喜欢的学科。 13.All the students take PE lessons,but no exams are needed 所有的学生都上体育课,但不需要考试。 14.Students may join as many clubs as they like,but they must join at least one. 学生们可以尽可能多地参加他们喜欢的俱乐部,但他们必须至少要加入一个。 1.absent 【典例在线】 He was absent from school.他没有到校。 John is absent because of illness.约翰因病缺席。 【拓展精析】 absent形容词,“缺席的,不在的”,常用作表语,“做某事缺席”,后常跟介词from。其反义词为present“出席的,在场的”。 【活学活用】 (1)No one knows why Danny was absent(缺席的) from school yesterday. (2)Its reported that he will be present(出


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